Learn Grow Succeed Leadership Podcast

Learn Grow Succeed Leadership Podcast

Latest Episodes

Should Men and Women Be Managed Differently?
October 30, 2019

You might think that by now, in the 21st century, we’d finally got over the whole ‘Men are from Mars’ thing, but to be honest, it’s never gone away. (If you’re not familiar with this book, it basically states that fundamental psychological differences ...

The 4 Things Your Team Want From You
October 23, 2019

I was incredibly flattered a few weeks ago to be nominated as one of the role models on the Inside Out Leader Board, which is an organisation whose aim is to smash the stigma of mental health in the workplace and it stimulated me to record this episode...

3 Leadership Lessons from Brené Brown
October 16, 2019

Over the last few weeks, I have had a Netflix binge! No, not the latest series of Ozark or G.L.O.W, I know I do have an eclectic taste! Instead, I have watched several different developmental documentaries. One that stood out was from Dr Brené Brown,

Learn Grow Succeed Conversations: Juliane Meyerhoff
July 02, 2019

Welcome to the Learn, Grow, Succeed Conversations podcast. And I’m your host, Sharon Newey. If you want to be the extraordinary leader that today’s organisations need, then listen now as on this special conversations episode,

Learn Grow Succeed Conversations: Mindshare
May 29, 2019

Sharon Newey: Welcome to Learn Grow Succeed Conversations Podcast, and I’m your host Sharon Newey. If you want to become the extraordinary leader today’s organisations need, then listen now.  On this special conversations episode,

The 3 Things Strategic Leaders Never Do
April 30, 2019

Intro Strategic leadership – sounds like yet another of the latest buzzwords! If an organisation wants to truly thrive today, it’s going to take more than ‘doing’ leadership the way it’s always been done. Our clients and our teams want,

Imposter Syndrome? Rubbish or Reality
April 17, 2019

Picture the scene you finally get the opportunity you’ve been waiting for! Then suddenly you’re walking into the office on day one, and that confidence you were full of earlier has disappeared… Has this happened to you?

The Sad Fact That Most Leaders Lack Self Awareness
April 16, 2019

Today’s podcast relates to our self-awareness as leaders… or should I say lack of it! Tell me, have you ever sat in a meeting and wanted to bury your head in your hands because of the way someone was behaving… and that someone really ‘should’ have know...

Learn Grow Succeed Conversations: How To Make Relocation Work As You Develop Your Career
March 25, 2019

Interviewer: Welcome to the Learn Grow Succeed Podcast, and a special welcome to Anne Parker. Anne is a learning manager in a large multinational organisation, working on learning strategies and skill-based training that is delivered across the globe.

Managing Emotions In A Work Place Setting: How Are You Coping?
October 24, 2018

Managing emotions isn’t easy in any setting, especially in the workplace where the pressure to hit deadlines, a lack of time and resources and all while remaining professional can push people over the edge.