Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Latest Episodes

65: Zen & the Art of Not Giving Two Shits
September 22, 2016

“I couldn’t give two shits” is a pretty weird expression. I mean, why anyone would want to give any number of shits towards anything is beyond me. As if some grand shit giving presentation is the pinnacle of all meaning. Not giving a fuck is...

64: Finding Your Inner Compass Towards Inner Peace with Rob Westerburg
September 19, 2016

I’ve been wanting to have Rob Westerburg on the podcast for a little while now. We’ve been connected on Facebook for a few months and I absolutely love the kind of stuff he shares. So it’s a pleasure to have him on the show today. Rob’s a...

63: Follow Your Excitement
September 09, 2016

I've been trusting in this practice for a few weeks now. And it's been working like gangbusters. Rather than boring myself to death feeling like I have to do things, I've started simply following my excitement in various areas of my life. It's a great...

62: Six Ways to Meditate Without Meditating
September 07, 2016

Meditation is huge when it comes to improving powers of focus, feelings of inner peace and positivity of thought. That statement above has almost become a cliché over the past few years as meditation has become more and more mainstream. But it makes...

61: Learning to Master Fear & Self-Doubt with Kate Pallot
September 05, 2016

Ah what a wonderful conversation this was with Kate Pallot. We have been connected online for a few months now and it was a pleasure to invite her onto the podcast for a chat. After suffering the tragic loss of her step-son several years ago, Kate...

60: Six Random Life Lessons I Learned From Selling Everything & Going Travelling
August 31, 2016

Around 18 months ago, I was in deep internal crisis mode. I had a growing personal training business I’d spent the previous three years striving to build up. My own gym, my own brand, my own rules. It was exactly what I had been dreaming of and what...

59: Accessing 'Mindfulness Mode' to Bring Inner Calm & Focus with Bruce Langford
August 29, 2016

It was great talking with Bruce Langford. He's a guy who is all about mindfulness and even has his own awesome podcast dedicated to this subject called 'Mindfulness Mode'. Personally, I love the whole idea of 'mindfulness' and think we can all benefit...

58: Dealing With Fear
August 26, 2016

Fear shows up all the time. And it holds a lot of us back. But it's a pretty logical and necessary bodily function that is responsible for probably saving our lives several times while we're here on this earth. It's what stops us overtaking on a bend...

57: 6 Steps to Mastering Your Mindset to Overcome Fear, Self-Doubt & Mental Limitations
August 24, 2016

I think the term ‘mindset’ gets banded around quite a lot. It seems to be the new ‘in thing’ for trainers, coaches, gurus and everyone else to bang on about the need to ‘master your mindset’. There’s no doubt it’s a critical piece to...

56: The Secrets to Becoming A Productivity Master with Michael Sliwinski
August 22, 2016

Michael Sliwinski has dedicated the past decade of his life to optimising productivity. So it was awesome to have him on the podcast to talk about that very subject. Michael was a stressed out consultant struggling to fit all his tasks into a working...