Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

61: Learning to Master Fear & Self-Doubt with Kate Pallot

September 05, 2016

Ah what a wonderful conversation this was with Kate Pallot. We have been connected online for a few months now and it was a pleasure to invite her onto the podcast for a chat. After suffering the tragic loss of her step-son several years ago, Kate understandably suffered with all kinds of mental and emotional pain. Then she made the decision to make some changes, learn what was actually going on inside her head and embark on a journey to investigate this whole 'mindset thing'. And now she's sharing what she's learned in an epic way and has even recently released her first course around dealing with fear, anxiety and self-doubt. So that is exactly what we talk about on the show. In The Episode, We Talk About... Kate's story of overcoming crippling anxiety from personal tragedy. How Kate overcame huge resistance to public speaking in order to tell her story on stage. How '20 seconds of courage' can help you break through fears. Where fear comes from and how it manifests itself. Implementing meditation for racing minds. How you can start 'delaying procrastination'. Why it's important that you break the 'guilt cycle' for mental and emotional wellbeing. Links "Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod Kate's Facebook Email Kate A fantastic episode that I hope you enjoy listening to as much as I did making it! You can give the episode a listen via the player above. Or head over to iTunes and subscribe there for Apple lovers, and over on Stitcher for non-Apple peeps. Love, Laughter & Light, Mike P.S. If you haven’t done so already, click here to join my Facebook group and engage with all the other dudes and dudettes in the Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses tribe!