Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses | Mindset | Brain Performance | Personal Development | Health |

Latest Episodes

55: Breaking Down Your Walls & Dealing With Judgement
August 19, 2016

Something I used to do a lot of was putting up walls. Walls that blocked the real me off from the people around me. I built up walls of 'fake' personalities based on what I thought people wanted me to be or who I 'should' be. But it just led to inner...

54: 10 Ways to Supercharge Your Morning to Experience a Joyful, Productive & High Performing Day
August 17, 2016

Note: You can click here to download the PDF on 'Energising Exercises' I talk about in the podcast. Morning times can pretty much make or break my day. Some days I’ll feel energised, ready to go and get plenty of stuff done. And then there are other...

53: Trusting Your Inner Voice to Find Your Deep, Burning Calling with Kute Blackson
August 15, 2016

This was such a wonderful conversation I had with Kute Blackson. His story is one of genuine inspiration. Born in Ghana and raised in London, he left the relative 'security' of continuing his father's ministry to move to LA and create the...

52: How the Word 'Should' Creates Pressure & Anxiety
August 12, 2016

The word 'should' is not very useful. It creates a feeling that there is 'one way' to do something that you must adhere to. Or that you are failing because you're not in line with some image of where you 'should' be. All this does nothing but create...

51: How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs So We Can Live Out Our Truest Potential
August 10, 2016

I’m sure there’s a point in all our lives where we realise that our beliefs have been holding us back to varying degrees. I know I’ve certainly experienced this. We create these ideas and concepts about the world and life and we just… believe...

50: The Science of Transformation with Alexis Panayiotou
August 08, 2016

T'was an awesome conversation I had this week with Alexis Panayiotou. I first met him last year when we were both on a retreat in Thailand. And I've been thinking about having him on the podcast since I started it. Alexis is a coach who helps people...

49: Making Visualising Work for You
August 05, 2016

I used to hate visualising my future. Whatever I thought about, I just couldn't get a real deep feeling from it. But this all changed recently. And that's what I talk about in today's episode. I talk about... Why I used to hate visualising my future....

48: Four Ways to Improve Spiritual Health & Make Room For 'Personal Growth'
August 03, 2016

Ah crap, I’ve gone and made it weird, haven’t I? We were getting on so well with all the brain stuff, physical health talk and mindset topics. Even the mental and emotional health shizzle from last week ended up being pretty cool after starting...

47: Using Ancient Spiritual Teachings in a Modern Day World with Michael (Mukunda Chandra das) Kohan
August 01, 2016

This was an awesome conversation I had with Michael Kohan that I could have kept going for several hours longer. Now you may look look at Michael's name in the title of this post and wonder what the hell is going on and why there's another 'Eastern...

46: Starting with YOU in Your Life & Business (Might Piss Off Hardcore 'Business Gurus')
July 29, 2016

How I approach my life and business shifted massively with what I'm about to share with you today. And it may piss some people off. But approaching things this way has left me with so much more LOVE for what I do. Essentially, it's the concept of...