Energy Clearing for Life Podcast

Energy Clearing for Life Podcast

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Energy Clearing for Life Meditation Podcast "Clear Every Chakra Deep Meditation" #322
August 08, 2021

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Clear Every Chakra"This is a deep and beautiful meditation to release restrictions holding you back from your gorgeous life! The first chakra represe

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Free Past to Create Brilliance" #321
August 01, 2021

In this episode, Erica walks you through a guided meditation to clear up everywhere people told you not to create something, not to write your book, not to dream your dream. All those stuck places whe

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Is Lack Your Fire?" #319
July 18, 2021

When you create from lack, the energy is all about getting yourself out of something and using lack as your fuel. Lack is a potent fuel, and this mode of operating can come easily. You don't have food

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Standing in Your Power" #318
July 11, 2021

Is it your time to shine? Stand in your own power with this guided clearing meditation designed to release doubt and install a greater sense of your own power and chi. Enjoy Energy Clearing for Life F

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Choosing for You Even When Other People Don't Like It"
July 07, 2021

When you choose for you, things always work out. Stay calm and firm in the light of your soul-aligned future. The pressure can be demanding and it can be tempting to abandon you and meet everyone else

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Trust Yourself | See the Future" #316
June 27, 2021

When you can see the future, you may at times live without validation in the present. It happens when you are gifted with vision that you can experience loneliness. In this warm and life-affirming episode, Erica shares how to tap into your gifts and expe.

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Creation for Father's Day Energy" #315
June 20, 2021

Creation is within you, all the time. You are creation. In being you, in choosing your hair color and  your bright smile or contemplative thoughtful furrowed brow -- these choices all are creation in you. As you create magic with your being, you light up.

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Desires Break Walls to Havingness" #314
June 13, 2021

Eviction still conjures shame for Erica as she recalls past difficulties she experienced. In this episode, glimpse into how everything changed. Change is ultimately possible. When you make new choices and stay firm in  your beliefs -- trusting the desire.

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Affirmations for Having Money" #313
June 06, 2021

Do you make money but resist having money? In this episode, Erica shares from her impoverished history to luxurious present in a controversial pitch for affirmations. Affirmations have been negatively framed and yet, when you replace the negative self ta.

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Clear the Darkness of Critical Mind" #312
May 30, 2021

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast  "Clear the Darkness of Critical Mind" #312 In this meditation we'll go within and ask for wisdom from beyond to clear out the negative influences of doubting the inspired actions you've been called to ta.