Energy Clearing for Life Podcast

Energy Clearing for Life Podcast

Latest Episodes

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #333 ”Day of the Dead”
October 31, 2021

In this special Halloweenish podcast, host Erica Glessing dives into her recent near death experience and explores what happens when you imagine you had already crossed over. Can being near death give

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #332 ”Easy is in the Eye of the Beholder”
October 24, 2021

Easy is reaching inside and connecting to spirit and all that is and from this place, allowing life force to guide our lives. It flows in and through when beckoned.  

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #331 ”The Power of Receiving”
October 17, 2021

Receiving is something rarely taught and frequently blocked. Listen and tune into this meditation designed to open up your receiving so you can have and be more of all that you already are!   Plus dis

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #329 ”Clearing Malificent Beings from Our Space”
October 03, 2021

When someone wishes you ill, you can sense it. Luckily, you can also cut the cords and clear the energy. For me, a daily practice of clearing the chakras then the malfs is required for sanity.   Today

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #328 ”Happy Birthday”
September 24, 2021

For my birthday I recorded a show! Hey we made 100000+ downloads! Today's episode is brought to you by, a new horse website for sensitive horses everywhere.  

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast ”Getting Up when I Fall” #327
September 12, 2021

What you can do if you fall of course and a beautiful meditation to guide you back into center.   Erica's Birthday Bundle is available now!!! Private meditations and more!

Energy Clearing for Life Force ”Bust the Lie of I Fear I will Fail” Podcast #326
September 05, 2021

Energy Clearing for Life Force "Bust the Lie of I Fear I will Fail" Podcast #326 How is the fear of failure a lie and what you can do to clear fear of failure from your vocabulary and experience.

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Clearing Malificent Evil Beings from Our Lives" #325
August 29, 2021

Potent meditation to release evil beings from your space, be they friends or foe, relatives or people from your office. When people are sending daggers of judgment and hatred your way, it can be diffi

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Clearing and DeCluttering Meditation" #324
August 22, 2021

Erica takes on the nature of change and resistance to change in this gentle de-cluttering meditation episode where you are invited to clear space around you so you can blossom even more on Energy Clea

Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast "Being Too Big & Too Much" #323
August 15, 2021

Today the clearing runs through your lifeline as you seek and root out crazy twisted places where others decided you were too big and too much. This may have happened in your teens or when you were ve