The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

Chayei Sarah 5785: Chesed and Devotion

November 17, 2024

Why are "supporting characters" so vital in Torah narratives?

In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy explore Parshat Chayei Sarah, focusing on the remarkable qualities of Rivka and Eliezer. Rivka’s extraordinary acts of chesed (kindness) and Eliezer’s unwavering dedication to Avraham’s mission offer profound lessons about leadership, humility, and the power of selfless service in shaping the Jewish narrative.

Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy – Pardes Faculty
Zvi Hirschfield – Pardes Faculty and Host of Pardes from Jerusalem