The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

Latest Episodes

Naso 5784: Counting on Each Other
June 09, 2024

How does our unique role strengthen the Jewish communities? - In this episode, Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Michael Hatton delve into Parshat Naso, highlighting the importance of each person's co

Bamidbar 5784: Embracing the Wilderness
June 03, 2024

How does the Jewish people's journey through the desert shape our approach to Torah? - In this weeks episode, Rabbi Leon Morris and Rabbi Tzvi Hirschfield explore the theme of openness in Torah study

Bechukotai 5784: Between Philosophy and Spirituality
May 26, 2024

Can we approach the Torah as a rational guide for living wisely while allowing space for genuine emotional and spiritual experiences? - In this week's episode, Rabbi Dr. Elisha Ancselovits and Rabbi Z

Behar 5784: Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Mountain
May 20, 2024

Why is Mount Sinai mentioned in connection with the laws of Shmitta (Sabbatical year) and Yovel (Jubilee year)? - In this thought-provoking episode, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Rachel Friedrichs delve i

Emor 5784: The Perfection Paradox
May 13, 2024

How do we approach texts in our traditions that seem to discriminate against or exclude certain groups of people? - In this thought-provoking discussion, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Haim Shalom wr

Kedoshim 5784: Empathy in a Divided World
May 06, 2024

In a world rife with conflict and oversimplified narratives about "the other," how can we embody true holiness by cultivating empathy, humility, and deeper human connection? - Rabbi Brent Spodek joins

Acharei Mot 5784: A People Apart
May 01, 2024

How can the Jewish people maintain a sense of unity and connection as a nation despite geographical separation and divergent experiences between the Diaspora and Israel? In this week's episode, Rabba

Pesach 5784: Unearthing Personal Freedom
April 21, 2024

Can we transform the "bread of affliction" into the "bread of redemption" this Passover?" - Yiscah Smith returns this week with a call for us to see ourselves ("l'rot atzmo") as leaving spiritual ensl

Metzora 5784: Transforming Curses into Blessings
April 17, 2024

Can we uncover hidden blessings, even from within painful experiences? Join us this week as we delve into the profound purification rituals surrounding the mysterious affliction of tzara'at (often tra

Tazria 5784: Reimagining Ritual Purity
April 11, 2024

How do we navigate the tension between devotion to mitzvot and the pursuit of understanding their significance in our lives? - In this week's parsha, we explore the seemingly archaic ritual purity law
