The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Podcast Network

Tzav 5784: Kindling the Spirit

March 27, 2024

Rabbanit Nechama Goldman Barash joins us this week for an investigation of the eternal flame that burned upon the altar.

Contemplating the balance between the passion of the burning fire and the steadfastness of its daily lighting, Zvi and Nechama ask how we may infuse our own religious practices with both regularity and inspiration. As we discuss the altar upon which sacrifices were meant to be made, we'll also reflect on the sacrifices being made today by the youth of Israel during this time of conflict and the profound impact it has had on us.

Rabbanit Nechama Goldman Barash - Pardes Faculty
Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield - Pardes Faculty and Host of Pardes from Jerusalem