Zombie Coder

Latest Episodes
Episode 5 – Ethics of Software Programmers
Today I discuss the implications of ethics in software development. We’ll take a look at some of my personal experience, and 2 new Netflix documentaries: The Social Dilemma, and Challenger: The Final Flight.
Episode 4 – Fall 2020 Programming Developments
A look at major new developments in the coding world for C/C++ – and some brief talk on Amazon BottleRocket and Microsoft’s Hyper-V advancements. Amazon Announcement for “BottleRocket” Linux distribution ZDNet Coverage – Microsoft Hyper-V patches for L...
Episode 3 – To College or not to College?
For new and aspiring developers – in this episode I answer the #1 question asked from future coders – should I go to college? Pros and Cons of a college degree and the University system. Contents: The Cold Truth of Job Seeking.
Episode 2 – The Decline of Usenet
We return to the early 80s and 90s to discuss the rise of consumer access to Usenet and the following decline of the service and its rise to the ranks of the undead. Contents: Show introduction Merging of networks SPAM, SPAM,
Episode 1 – The Creation of Usenet
Today, we go back in time to the late 70’s and observe the events that led to the creation of newgroups and usenet. Especially as this podcast covers historic events, factual corrections will be attached to the original post and/or episode as required....
Introduction the Podcast
After repeated encouragement from friends and coworkers, I’ve decided to take a dive into the world of podcasting. We’ll see if this is something that can keep going or not – but for now, I introduce the first episode of my podcast for this site.