Durianrider Raw Truth
Latest Episodes
How To Live Life On EASY Mode! #277
Our mental health should be our main priority every day. Second is physical health.
How quickly does a woman let a man clap her if she likes him? #276
Ever wondered how fast a woman will hook up with you if she is into you? It is about 1 hour of talking THEN the first few minutes you are alone together. She will instigate all of it overtly aswell.Unless she is a virgin but even then she will be quite a
Dr John McDougall & Why I CANT Recommend Him Anymore #275
Dr McDougall has done a LOT of good for people. IMO though he erodes his legacy by contradicting himself and spreading fear of carbohydrates.
Dating tips for men & woman - The Cold Approach #274
Is it wrong to walk up to strangers on the street and introduce yourself?
How To Make Lots Of Money As A Youtuber #273
I dont know anyone else on the platform who has made more 6 figure earners than me. Do you?
How The Fitness Industry SCAMS Noobs #272
The 'fitness' industry is nothing more than 99.9% fake nattys with eating disorders or disordered eating bullshitting their audience with full blown lies or half truths in order to fleece you of your money and attention. YOU lose. They win. It s
Pros & Cons Of Dating Younger Women
Pros and cons from someone who lives what he talks.
Carnivore VS High carb vegan diet
Some people think we should eat like vultures. I disagree.
Why EVERYONE Needs The Best Coach They Can Find
I would NOT be here today without my mentors in life!
The science behind the new womens marathon world record #268
Trust in the science! EPO doesnt work and drug tests do!