Durianrider Raw Truth
Latest Episodes
How To Lose 7kg In 7 Days! #286
Fast rapid weight loss is EASY! But is it sustainable for your metabolism and hormones?
Cycling Is SO Addictive But Why? #285
Once you get the cycling bug you really can get infected HARD! IYKYK.
Bruce Lehrmann is a rapist? #284
Or did Brittany Higgins lie to get a MEGA pay out from the government?
Tony Robbins WONT Tell You This BUT He SHOULD!
Tony Robbins IS a legend of self help. He needs to teach this stuff as well.
Durianrider is dangerous! #282
Look at the people who 10 years ago etc took my advice vs those who didnt...
Lance Armstrong VS Greg Lemond #281
How did Greg beat or compete with the best dopers of his era as a 'clean' rider? Is that possible? How?
Why Im The ONLY Author Who GUARANTEES Weight Loss? #280
NOBODY offers the guarantees that I do. Why is that?
How To Quit The Job You Feel Like Your Wasting Your Life With #279
Question from the www.durianrider.com coaching group.
How to convince people who CANT be convinced? #278
How much life time do you want to waste trying to convince those who CANT be convinced? Life is too short to suffer! Say your bit and no need to say it again to them or you are now wasting time.Yes I say the same stuff over and over but my audience chan
How To Live Life On EASY Mode! #277
Our mental health should be our main priority every day. Second is physical health.