eyeClarity Podcast

eyeClarity Podcast

Empowering Eye Health

July 22, 2023

Today, we’re delving into the fascinating world of eye health and how it can reflect systemic issues in our bodies. Our eyes are windows to various aspects of our well-being, from endocrine and nervous systems to brain health. By understanding the connections between our eyes and our body, we can find holistic approaches to remedy eye conditions without relying solely on drugs or surgery. Enjoy the show.

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eye, myopia, lens, exercise, working, eyedrops, msm, peripheral, vision,  creates,  astigmatism,  cataracts,  vision,  glasses,  vertigo,  glutathione,  dry,  retina,  reduce,  good,  health


Hey everybody, its Dr. Sam, and I’d like to welcome you to my EyeClarity podcast. If you want to get in touch with me with questions, you can email me at hello@drsamberne.com. And you can always text me your questions at 1-844-932-1291. I would like to let you know about my new membership program. This is going to offer members new information on how to improve their vision and wellness. So you will get access to articles, video, blogs, podcasts, and webinars. Also a live q&a with me. And all of this information will empower you to make informed decisions about your vision, and your health. So to sign up, go to my website, drsamberne.com. And you can see the details there. All right now on to the show.


Morning, everybody, welcome to our class today, you can always message me in the chat, this will be recorded, so you can get a copy of it. And that copy will be available for you until the 17th of 17th of July. Good. So please let me know if you can’t hear me. And we think our auto audio system is working? Well, we’ve tested it out. So here we go. I want to welcome you to my class today. I’m very excited to be here and offer this to you. I feel a great sense of gratitude to my community. We started this project back in 2016. And we’ve grown it thanks to you and will continue to offer new and innovative things I always love hearing from you. If there’s something that you would like to see or know about, we have an offer that I will talk to you about at the end of our workshop. But I wanted to jump in and get going because we have a limited time today. And I want to stay on track. So one of the easiest ways that we can actually monitor our health is through our vision for our eyes. And


the eyes reflects so many things in our body. For example, one of the things our eyes reflect


our systemic health. And when we go for an eye exam, which we all have done, including me.


We go


to the exam and there may be something that the doctor picks up.


And immediately, we’re just talking about the eyeball. We’re not talking about how the eyes are affecting the body.


And I remember when I was studying Chinese medicine, acupuncture, which many of you and most of you have experienced. We know the connections on the meridian level, liver gallbladder, spleen, colon, small intestine, large intestine.


So the the key thing here


is that when we have an eye problem, if we can start looking at the systemic reasons why the eyes are changing, this could help us in being able to how can we say remedy the situation without drugs and surgery? You know what One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that our pupil response our sensitivity to light can be an indicator on the stress level that we experience not only on an eye level, but also a body level. And if we are light sensitive, our pupils remain dilated. This is an indicator that our sympathetic nervous system is overworking fight flight freeze response as an example.

And there are things that we could do, both on an adrenals level and a thyroid level, which can actually help us reduce our light sensitivity and learn to regulate our light into the into the eyes and into the body better. We can also look at how the eyes interface with the brain. You’ve probably seen in some of my content pieces on research on looking at the retina and being able to pick up brain health, specifically Alzheimer’s and dementia. So eyes and brain go together. Endocrine and eyes go together, systemic and eyes go together. Nervous System and eyes go together the fluid body cerebrospinal fluid, and eyes go together. So what I thought I would do is I would like to launch a poll right now.


And the question is what drew you to this class? And there’s a whole


list of reasons. macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, dry eye children’s vision, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, double vision floaters.


So if you wouldn’t mind taking the poll, and letting me know what your interest is. And you can either do so on the poll, or you can


you can write it in the chat either way.


Very good, very good. Thank you for participating.


Some people are saying they can’t


see me. Is that actually true? Or are you seeing me?


I can see you. Okay, cool. Thank you. Share that feedback. I can see you. Okay, cool. Thanks. Thank you. I can see you but it isn’t in think you’re my video. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Well, it’s good. Yeah, it’s better now. Okay, good.


Well, team behind me that’s working on this. So thank you for the feedback are wonderful for debating. I love it.


I don’t understand the multiple choice question. What does that mean? Does that answer your question?


Oh, you don’t see a question. Okay. So why don’t you in the chat say what eye condition Do you want to learn about today? macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, dry eye, children’s vision. myopia. hyperopia. double vision? floaters. We haven’t done the second and third, we’re not going to do those questions because just the just the first one. So we’ve got floaters children’s vision nystagmus third nerve palsy.


By the way, we will


have time for questions at the end. So if I don’t get to your question, I want to get into some eye exercises as well. Astigmatism


All right, we’re gonna we’re gonna end the poll.


And let’s see what the results are. So we have a little bit of macular degeneration glaucoma. Cataracts is a big 140 7% 40% Dry Eye 13% children’s vision myopia. 60% Oh my grandmas. Okay, appreciate that. A stigmatism 40% floaters. Okay. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.


All right.


All right, I’m going to close this down. Again, you can always message me, we’re looking at messages. Alright, so what I want to do right now is I want to give you some, I want to give you some answers on what you can do today to improve the conditions on why you’ve showed up. So first of all, I want to say that everything that I talked about, at some level, I have looked at research. And, of course, the pharmaceutical world does most of the research because that’s where the funding is, but more and more research is coming out on an integrative functional medicine level on how to improve your eyes. Now, obviously, when we go for the exam, and I was trained this way as well is that the doctor is trained to look for disease and then treat the disease with pharmaceuticals or surgery. Or the third option is they’ll say, well just watch it. And if you ask them for some types of, you know, alternatives, most of them don’t really know where to go or what to do, because in eye care, what we’re trying to do here is control symptoms. And of course, when we control a symptom, we drive the problem further in. So cataracts seem to be a main concern for people.

So the two ingredients that you need to address in cataracts and lens health are glutathione and vitamin C, you’re looking somewhere around four to 500 milligrams a day of glutathione either in a liquid where you can do a sublingual under the tongue, or you can also do a powder or capsule like glutathione has been shown it’s the master antioxidant in the body partly improved in the partly created in the liver. Also, you can get it from your cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions, you know, anything with sulfur based foods. Glutathione is your friend selenium is helpful in the absorption of glutathione. So you want to make sure you’re getting that trace mineral. And then the other one that’s important is vitamin C, because the lens is made up of mostly collagen and water and vitamin C when it’s at lower levels, these free radicals or oxidative stress, molecules tend to accumulate and start clotting make the lens cloudy. And so those are really important for you.

Next, I would say that the major eye nutrients that we talk a lot about lutein and zeaxanthin, those are the plant carotenoids. And if you’re going to do a supplement somewhere around 15 milligrams a day of lutein, and four to six milligrams a day of z is Anthon. Obviously they’re also really good for your retina and macula, but also they’re really important for the lens of the eye. And then you can add things like vitamin d three, which is important omega three fatty acids. Vitamin A, make sure you’re getting your zinc with vitamin A. And the last thing about cataracts that’s critical is how much sugar you’re eating. Because there’s a process in the lens called glycation. glycation means that the glucose molecules in the blood will attach themselves to the protein collagen molecules in the lens and this creates the cloudy cataract experience.

So the sugar, you’re pre diabetic, if you have you know glucose spikes because you’re eating you know high carbohydrates, processed foods, these are all going to contribute. Now in a lesser extent blue light from computers can secondarily may cause the development of cataracts and there’s a whole body of controversy around lens health and exposure to the sun. Well, if you were a lifeguard or you were a forest ranger and you’re out in the sun all day, maybe that would cause cataracts will be one of the causes. But it’s important to get an hour of natural sunlight every day. I think that the sun is your friend, mostly. And you know, you can wear a hat you can go out during the day when the sun isn’t the most extreme.

But we need sun and, and I wouldn’t blame sun exposure to cataracts, unless you know you’re getting, you know, many, many hours a day, if you’re getting 30 minutes to an hour of natural sunlight, that’s actually important. So it’s part dietary, it’s part really understanding that you’ve got to remove the oxidative stress that’s coming into the lens of the eye, eyedrops, probably just the the MSM drops would be the ones that I would suggest the 5%. But I think systemically getting your glutathione vitamin C, and these other eye nutrients are the way to go. And then being able to address the glycation issue. All right. The second place I want to go is in our refractive error myopia and astigmatism. So with myopia and I can speak first with firsthand experience because, you know, my story, I became very nearsighted into my late 20s. And I met a holistic guy, Dr. Developmental optometrist, Dr. Al Shankman, and was a patient of his and was able to completely reverse my myopia over


about six months. And so my understanding of what myopia is and what to do about it, I want to give you the cliff notes right now. And by the way, we’re going to do some exercises in a few minutes. So hang in there, I want to, I want to give you some things today to take with you. But when you get a nearsighted prescription, we call that a minus lens, usually, we’re getting that as a way to fix some kind of blurriness in the distance. But the problem isn’t in the distance, the problem is up, close it near how we’ve locked in our eye muscles as a way to adapt to some experience that, you know, we don’t understand we’re confused about, or you know, some other things like that. And so, when you start wearing a minus lens, it’s reinforcing tension.

It’s reinforced by forcing tightness in the eyes, but even beyond the eyes, your brain, your thinking, your movement, your posture. In other words, myopia is a global experience. It’s not just an eyeball experience, even though the eyes are the place where we are experiencing the myopia. So what do you do for it? So the first thing is, if you’re near sighted, you don’t want to be wearing the, the strong distance prescription all the time, especially indoors, and say, at your screens. If you’re wearing one prescription, and it’s calculated for distance, that’s gonna be too strong for you. When you are using your screens, Now, some people take their lenses off, but then they have to get closer to the screen. And this exposes them to EMF pollution, which, of course, we don’t want to do either. So ask your eye doctor for a second prescription.

You don’t have to tell them that it’s a Vision Improvement prescription, you can just say, Can I get a computer prescription. So if you’re near sighted, you’re gonna get a reduced prescription. Perfect. That’s exactly what you want to start wearing in non demanding and non threatening situations. And to note, immediately when you wear that reduce prescription, there’s less tension in the eyes, and that’s going to be your signal you’re on the right track. Now if you start feeling frustrated when you’re wearing this prescription because you can’t see clear enough that just put on your strong glasses as a way to mitigate your your blurriness. This is not a game for you to walk around and blur, especially when it counts. You wear what you need in the circumstance that’s demanding of you. So if you’re driving your kids, you wear your strong prescription But otherwise, you can start wearing the reduced prescription. And this works wonderfully as a way for you.

So your eyes can adjust to that weaker lens. And eventually, you’ll be able to drive in them, which is part of the magic because whatever lens you put in front of the eyes, that’s the position the eyes are going to take. Another technique that works well with with myopia reduction is to start going without your lenses, be non demanding and non threatening situations. And notice mentally what you think what you feel. In other words, start noticing what’s uncomfortable for you what you don’t like about the blur. I remember in my own case, when I started to wear, reduce prescriptions or no prescriptions, initially, I didn’t like it because I wasn’t, I didn’t feel like I was in control. So I put all this energy through my eyeballs, as a way to feel in control to get it right to be perfect. You know, to get the good grades in school, all of those things. And myopia is a very results based way of being I call it kind of the attitude of results. Because when you are nearsighted, it’s about precision detail. And there’s also a lack of flexibility mentally. And also, once you take those lenses off, you’re going to be in a vulnerable, vulnerable state of wow, I don’t like this, this is not what I want to do. And that’s the cutting edge for you to start exploring going into that blurriness in non demanding situations.

And then you can add my opposite lens prescription that’s now famous, called the plus lens, the blur where you go to the drugstore, and you get the strongest farsighted prescription, and you bring it home and you start wearing it. And you notice immediately that level of blur. What the farsighted lens is doing optically is it spreading the light into areas of your peripheral retina that your regular minus lens is not allowing you to do. And remember when you wear a minus lens, it makes things artificially smaller, makes you more tight, it makes you much more in a pushing your energy, your visual energy out. And so when you start wearing this plus lens to blur, this is a way for you to relax mentally and see the hyper vigilance that you’ve put through your eyes that myopia is a hyper vigilant way of being there’s no question about that. Now, you might not be in touch with that. But that’s what I want you to start to get in touch with.

And if you do that, it unlocks the key where you can start understanding how much tension 60 to 80% of body tension is carried in the eyes, because we’re so visually directed. And now with our screens, we run everything through our eye muscles and our eyeballs. And this is creating the epidemic and myopia. Now let’s bring in astigmatism for a moment because a lot of times they go together. So astigmatism means that the eye is shaped more like an egg, visualize an egg, the muscles that are holding the eye in the eye socket are are not working equally. And this creates an imbalance in the six muscles that are attached to the eye. And this starts to create a misshapen eyeball, which creates a warped kind of blur in your perception. And so now you have to get a multiple lens which we call an astigmatism correction that’s grounded into the lens which matches the warping that you’re developing. So it doesn’t fix anything. If anything, it reinforces the misshapen eyeball.

Now, again, we need to talk on the macro level because the stigmatism also means twist. It also means that the body is twisted in some way, because there’s an interplay between the body and the eyes, in posture in movement. There was a study that was done the Baltimore Symphony and they took a look at some of the musicians who will say a violin player or somebody where their music was off to one side or to the other And the bottom line was is that because of that postural distortion, that was the side of the the body, the eye, where the astigmatism would start to develop. So you better believe that your astigmatism is tied into cervical compression, head tilt, body twist, there’s all kinds of body adaptations that the optometrist will measure in the eye. And he calls that


a stigmatism.


So any lens that you get is correcting you to 2020 any lens you get is reinforcing the adaptive response that you’re that you’re making. So with the astigmatism, and we’re going to do an exercise in a few minutes, where you’re going to start doing some eye movements in multiple areas of gaze, looking up might look to your right or to your left. And that movement starts to relax the imbalance in the asymmetry in the eye muscles.

Now, if you have a forward thinking or progressive thinking, eye doctor, you can also get a prescription with no astigmatism in it or reduced astigmatism, so that you have a chance to interact with a lens that isn’t just reinforcing you 100% This gets a little tricky, because some of the eye doctors think they want to correct you to see the smallest letters on the eye chart, when in fact, that is going to create more stress and tension in your eyes. And the truth of the matter is you only need about 2040 to 2030 acuity, and you’re doing great. Okay, so that takes care of myopia astigmatism. Now let’s talk about a dry eye. Because this also got a lot of press this morning on our poll. So dry eye is a tough one. It you know, in the medical literature, they’ll actually say there’s no cure for dry eye, once you’ve got it. It’s with you forever. Now, I don’t necessarily believe that.

But in order to really get a handle on the dry eye, it is going to take some deep, deep, deep digging on your part, to take a look at many of the facets that trigger in cause dry. So let’s start on a micro level the eyeball and we’ll move to the macro level, which is more of the systemic metabolic causes of dry. So in dry the mechanism is that the eyelids especially by the eyelashes, have some oily glands called the meibomian glands. The eyelid also houses a second gland, which is kind of up in the corners up here, which are called the lacrimal glands. It’s primarily the meibomian glands that are the culprit, that are creating the dryness in the eye. And what happens is these oily glands either get clogged up, it could be due to inflammation, that’s a big reason, or just a lack of circulation.

And those oily glands are very important for producing the part of the tears that keep the tears sustained on the cornea. So what happens is either you’re not producing enough of the tears, or the tears you’re producing are evaporating too quickly. So now you have a conundrum because the cornea needs liquid to maintain its lubrication. And if you’re not getting that, it becomes a painful and very uncomfortable set of symptoms, red eyes, burning, tearing, dryness, fatigue, you name it, you’re gonna get all of these symptoms. Sometimes it’s worse in the evening. Sometimes you wake up and your eyelids are stuck shut. So what do you do?

You’ve got this whole inflammatory situation going on. While I’ll speak conventionally first. Sometimes the eye doctor will actually make a diagnosis to see how quickly the tears are evaporating. And another thing he may may test for is what we call a corneal staining to see, you know how much of the cornea is damaged or is dry due to the lack of tears covering the cornea. Now at this point, you can do the artificial tears, you can do things like sustain, you could also do Restasis. I’m sure you’ve heard of these types of eyedrops very conventional, they tend to reduce inflammation and try to lubricate the eyes. You may even go more deeply into something like a brooder mask where you heat up a mask and put it over the eyes in the evening as a way to try to get the meibomian glands to work better. And in some of the more severe cases, you can do a procedure called Lippa flow, that’s like going to an eye spa and they heat up the eyelids. And that will work for a while so at least you get some relief. So the bottom line is that if you want to go more in a, say in my world, my approach Number one, you’ve got to up your fats and oils, specifically omega threes, you want to be getting 1500 to 2000 milligrams of Day a day of vitamin of Omega three.

The next thing you want to consider and this isn’t talked about very much is the state of the health of your liver and gallbladder why I’ve released a gallbladder formula and a pancreatic enzyme formula because vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. And when you’re not producing enough bile from the liver, or you’re not storing it well in the gallbladder. It’s the bile that helps you absorb the vitamin A the fat soluble vitamins and it can be a game changer. If you say take my gallbladder formula, you’re now absorbing vitamin A better, that could reduce the dry eye. Obviously MSM eyedrops are good. You can use the castor oil eyedrops in the evening, but you need to be careful, you don’t use too much of it because sometimes it can clog up the meibomian glands. What I like to do with the castor oil, and we’re going to do this in a few minutes with MSM is massaging. And while you’re massaging. Do it lightly, you can also put a warm compress over the eyes to dilate the meibomian glands, so the castor oil isn’t clogging up the meibomian meibomian glands.


Also some other things blue light protection. If you are on screens, make sure you’re using a lens prescription that’s right for the computer that you’re not using progressive lenses or distance glasses or some crazy prescription that’s creating more eye stress. Then you need to take a look at your thyroid health, your adrenal health, these are all things that are really influential in accelerating the dry eye. So it comes down to Can I reduce my inflammation and at the same time absorb my nutrients better. The last thing you might want to try is my red light glasses. So we know that red light is helpful in reducing inflammation and increasing the mitochondria function. And so even in this area around the eyelids and the cornea, the red light can be helpful in reducing and calming down some of the symptoms related to dry eye. You probably need to change your diet reduce your sugars eat more natural plant based obviously if your animal for menu than organic grass fed on enzymes, probiotics, you know those things, the gut and the eyes definitely go together. So you need to be able to to manage those. Okay, so we’re gonna segue into some of the exercises.

And so what are we going to say is a couple of things before I demonstrate them and we’re going to do them together. First of all, eye exercises get a bad rap. I’m sure that if you went to your doctor, and you said Do I exercises help. If we polled the eye doctors, probably 99% of them would say no, they don’t have and yet we’ve got the Bates people who do I exercise sizes Dr. Bates has come up with a program that actually can help vision improvement. And in my perspective, the brain eye body connection has a certain patterning that we all have developed. And the physical vision therapy that I am promoting helps change the software in the brain, which is telling the eyes how to work. Now the eyes have one of the highest metabolic needs of the body. And the the macula has the highest metabolic need of the retina. There’s also a very high concentration of both mitochondria and blood vessels in the retina that need to be able to transport and deliver nutrients to the entire eye.

So if you’ve got dry eye, that’s more of the front of the eye. If it’s the optic nerve, it’s the back of the eye but the whole eyeball, which is brain tissue needs the nutrient absorption and one of the reasons why people develop cataracts people develop macular degeneration Glaucoma is because of the oxidative stress and lack of nutrient absorption. So we can obviously change our diet we can take the nutrients we can use natural eyedrops, but part of it is on us in the programming, meaning we need to change the software so that we are using our eyes differently because function changes structure. function, how we use our eyes, changes the structure of the eyes, changes the anatomy, creates cataracts creates glaucoma, dry macular degeneration. So these exercises contribute to this nourishment that our eyes need for finding the resiliency. Somebody asked me about where’s baits located so Bates is dead baits practiced in New York City. In the early 1900s, Aldous Huxley took his work, his AI exercise program wrote about it. And then what emerged is what we call vision educators. You can look them up, you can Google vision educators, Bates, teachers, and maybe you can find one in your area. They’re, they’re good people, I know them. I’ve worked with them. And it’s a little different than what I’m doing. But at least they would offer you a more integrative and holistic perspective.

Okay, so exercises, I’m going to show you, five exercises five today. And with these exercises, it’s important that if you’re going to do these you got to commit. Meaning that if you do it for a day, or you do it for two days, or you do it for three days, and then you stop or you skip days, you’re not going to see much change, if any. But I can tell you from firsthand experience, when I went through my therapy, I started to see improvements. And I kept a diary, a vision diary.

]This is what I’m noticing today, this is what I’m feeling. This is what I’m seeing. And I gave up the goal of having to get rid of my myopia. That was hard to do. But once I did that, my myopia went away. So we want to get more into process and let go of results for now in the exercises. Okay, so the first one I’m going to show you is called Long swings. So when you do this, you’re going to be standing I actually like doing this outside. But wherever you do it you want to have a nice landscape or window scape around and it’s an exercise is going to start stimulating one of the most important parts of your vision, which is your peripheral vision. So your peripheral vision is very connected to your ears. We call this the vestibular system, vision, vestibular.

They help us with orientation balance, where am I in space? And guess what happens? When we have our phone and we’re on it. We lose our peripheral vision we become very focal. This is for the myopes out there too. who, when you start doing this, you are eliminating your peripheral vision and you’re reducing your vestibular stimulation, you must continue to work on the peripheral vision, because that’s involved in your balance, it’s involved in your memory, it’s involved in your three dimensional vision, and yet it’s being lost. Because we’re all here. This is our world. And so, the long swings, you’re going to be moving slowly, I’m going to break this down. So right off the bat, I’m stimulating my peripheral. Now for some people, it’s so disorienting, they start getting dizzy or nauseous or even vertigo that you can slow it down. So you can have more of a micro boom, now fixation eyes, I don’t want you looking down a lot you looking up and out. Now bring your arms into it and your shoulders and your body where you can start.




and your eyes are going with your body, that’s kind of level one, just see if you can do that. You want to do it without any prescription, no glasses, no contacts. Again, right now, if you’ve got your contacts or glasses on, you can you can do this, but especially reading glasses, take them off. So you’re swinging. And there’s a couple of ways you can do this, you can do it with a timer, or you can say I’m going to do a minute, or you could do it say by counting one.


Two, you’re going to do 10, three,


four, it’s very relaxed. Okay, so That’s level one, you’re just gonna get warmed up into a whole body experience. Now, with this, you want to start coordinating awareness around your breathing. I like to do nose breathing, rather than mouth breathing, because nose breathing stimulates what we call our nitric oxide, which nitric oxide is a natural vaso dilator. And studies have shown when you do mouth breathing, you’re reducing your nitric oxide, and it’s creating more of that fight flight freeze response. So nose breathing, it can just be very simple. And then once you have done this and you feel comfortable, you can now start fixating behind you. So what I like to do is I look up, I look up, I look in the center, you can see where my fingers going. And then I’m looking down low. So this becomes a central peripheral exercise


where I’m


up to the right up to the left in the middle down to the right down to the left. And then you can just circle that around. This is such a great exercise for opening up that peripheral vision. Now, when you do this exercise, my suggestion would be as in every one of these exercises, I show you today, that you take a baseline on how your peripheral vision is doing as a starting point. So when I started with my peripheral vision, because I’ve been on the screen, I was kind of more like this, and I just did a few of the swings and my vision went back


to very peripheral.


And so you’re going to do the long swings again, you can do a minute or you can do 10 breaths, and you can do it outside, no glasses, no contacts, and be aware of the nose breathing. And the advanced version of this is the fixation up to the right up to the left in the middle in the middle down to the right down to the left. So that’s number one. So now we’re going to move to number two, which is more of




eyeball type experience, but it’s very helpful for the brain. So the University of Rochester came out with a study that said 50% of vision is in the brain 50% And when arts Two eyes are either not working together, or one eye is over dominating the other. This eye scan is a great one for getting you to repair the imbalance between the two eyes. So we do this separately, we do the right eye and we do the left eye. And this is very good for a stigmatism, you can also do it standing. And you can also do it sit sitting. So I’m going to do it standing. And this is where you get to cover an eye. So I’m going to cover my left eye. And I’m going to get a baseline on my visual acuity out there. I’ve got a good big window there and I’ve got the trees, I can see the light. So now I’m going to use my right thumb and my right eye. And I’m gonna go out in arm’s length, and I’m going to focus on my phone, you don’t need to see clearly. But you’re going to focus on the thumb. And now you’re going to trace an object, I’m going to trace a window.


So I’m looking at the thumb. But my thumb is tracing. So I’m scanning and stretching and breathing and blinking.


So I might do that for about 30 seconds. And then I take my hand away and I close both


eyes. And I’m I’m sensing and feeling into the right eye. Brightness, relaxation. Big difference.


I look with my right eye with acuity and I’m already seeing things more clearly. Because I’m working with that movement, which is creating more blood flow and circulation.


Pretty simple.


And then I’m gonna do the other I began left I left thumb arm’s length, I’m looking at my thumb. And notice you can need your body


as well to go up.


Okay, go looking down. So I’m really exploring even more with his left eye


than I did with the right up.


Okay, so now I’m going to close both eyes. And they are balancing, I can feel that there’s some tingling and circulation going on. If you have any condition, macular cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, astigmatism, any of the conditions you’ve talked about, this is going to help. So I now take a measurement of the left eye and it’s really clear out there, then I look with both eyes. And this is great. So with the eye scan, you’re going to be doing this about, say, one to two minutes with each eye. It’s not long, you know, so far where, you know, we’re keeping this on the shorter side, you don’t have to do it all day. Okay, exercise three, the product placement here, my MSM drops, people asked me Should we start with the five or the 15. My advice would be start with the 5%. It doesn’t burn it feels good. Only if you have used the 5% for a month or two and you’re used to it because the 15% is going to burn and if your eyes are sensitive, it’s not a good place to start. So this third exercise is called


is called.


I massage MSM I massage. Now there are two ways to do this. First of all, you wash your hands, second of all your eyes are closed and you put a drop in the quarters of each eye. So I’ve got one drop in the corner, my eyes remain closed. You see how I’m making little spirals here.


This is going to be great for dry eye


and I spend about 10 to 15 seconds, really massaging that MSM around the eyelids and then I open this is very lubricating. Now a second way to do this is the eye bath. So again, my hands are clean. I’m going to tilt back and I’m going to spray the drops along my eyelashes. And now I have a puddle of MSM in the eye socket. And now I’m really massaging and Putting them around the eyelids. So with the MSM bath, you’re running the drops along the eyelashes, while you’re either lying down, that’s the best, or at least putting your head back, and you’re gonna get probably six to eight drops in that area, this is going to be highly moisturizing. And for most people, most people, they’re not hydrating their eyes enough, even the people that don’t have dry eye. So by doing the eye massage and the eye bath at least three to four times a day, you’re going to start to lubricate and moisturize. And this helps the eyelid health, the cornea health, and even some of those drops will penetrate into the lens, the vitreous and the retina. So that’s my third exercise for you.


Let’s go to number four.


You can also do this with Castro. Absolutely. Okay, number four tongue clock palming. Okay,




for many of you, you know that I’ve studied a lot of different modalities, and I’ve kind of taken them and distilled them into how can we improve our eyes. And so one of the things that I have observed and learn is that our face has acupuncture points, okay. And there’s some really specific acupuncture points around the mouth. And there are two of them that are really activating. One is called the governing of expresso, which is our young meridian, and it goes the meridian goes up over our head, down our spine through our corinium. And it ends kind of in our belly button low below the belly button. That’s the the male, the young. And then we have the Conception Vessel, which runs down the middle here, respiratory digestion, and then meets up with the Governing Vessel. So you’re going to combine some sound with some acupressure. And it’s going to do some things on an acupuncture level, it’s also going to do some things on a cranial sacral level of bones and fluid level. So the way you do this exercise is as follows.


You’re going to take your tongue and you’re going to put it on the outside part of the upper teeth, and the inside part of the lip anywhere you can do it, it doesn’t need to be real high up, it just kind of right there. And I’m going to pull my eyes, I’m going to breathe in through my nose and you’re going to see me pressing on that upper lip


Okay, now I’m going to immediately take my tongue and put it on the outside part of my lower teeth.


This is that


Conception Vessel


so when you see when you press on this, it opens up the cervical spine, C four to C seven, the bones back there. And when the cervical spine gets compressed, it starts affecting the eye muscles. When you press on this point, it opens up C one to see four, so the upper part of the cervical spine. In addition, you’re getting the acupuncture activation with the sound, and you’re also calming and relaxing your eyes. So that would be the first way we do it. We do three on each upper lower upper lower upper lower,


and then you’re done.


A second more advanced way to do it,


is to go all the way around. So every time


you make a sound and you press it’s on the exhale, you’re going to do the entire 12 positions of the clock. There’s a lot of meridians here that are going to affect not only the eyes but the jaw and down into the lower part of the body, your respiration, your digestion


to name two.


So the first is just consent conception Conception Vessel Governing Vessel and that the second way to do it would be through the tongue


clock through worry,


you either do 3123 Or you just go around one time, either clockwise or counterclockwise. This is very powerful for opening up the circulation, the nerves. So if you’ve got something like third nerve palsy, or you’ve got double vision or you’ve got lazy eye, this is very activating on a neurological level to start to include the sound,


the mouth and the eyes.


Okay, so that’s the tongue clock. Now, the last exercise, again is very famous is my palm home exercise. And most of you know about this. This is the one where you rub your hands together, you come up with them over the closed eyes, you breathe in through the nose, and on the exhale, you keep your mouth closed, you make a humming sound, the.


So you would do six or eight of those. And I can tell you that when you do that sound, and it goes into the eyes, it’s going to open up the tissue and relax everything here and give you much clearer eyesight. It’s really a great one. So just to recap, long swings, I scan with each eye separately, using your thumb, MSM, I massage and I bath. The tongue clock exercise with palming over your eyes, and the breath, the palm hum exercise. So if you did those five exercises three times a day, for a month, I can tell you working with 1000s of people that is going to create a change in the tissue health, the flexibility, the eyesight, the circulation, and if you couple that with some nutrients, you have a good chance, at the very least to neutralize what you’re dealing with. And at the very most, it could really change things. Okay, so I want to leave a little time here for the end. So I want to take a few questions. There’s a zoom user that’s asking me about retinitis pigmentosa. So this is a degenerative genetic disease that affects the rods of the eye. And in my view, what you need to do here is things to stimulate the peripheral vision. That could be the long swings exercise, there’s also special prisms that you can get that open up your peripheral vision. They’re called yoked prisms. You can also you know make sure you’re getting the proper nutrients. I’m sure you are Omega three, you know the retinas about 50% fatty acids. That’s why we need this those Omega three especially the DHA, part of the Omega three, Omega three, vitamin A and zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin. You want to make sure you’re really boosting those the red glasses and then the eye exercises. If you do those things, you have a pretty good chance of slowing down the progression of the RP. All right, another question is about to Regina. So this is a growth over the eye. The connective tissue one of the terms they use is called surfers. I probably heard that. So this is a collagen imbalance is a dry a dryness issue. So highly erotic acid eyedrops are called Heil drops Hyla drops Hyla tears might be a good for you. Obviously the MSM eyedrops are great, the Castro eyedrops are great. This is going to take some real continuous How can we say persistence because once the trivium has formed, it loves to live in dry climates dryness, so you need to really keep things lubricated. You know, adding your fats and oils and maybe consider you know, working with a functional medicine doctor and finding out are you deficient in some trace minerals. What’s the state of your gut health? Do you need to eat more of an anti inflammatory diet? You know, again, there’s a real link between what we’re eating and the formation of tritium. So there you go on that one. Macular pucker. So the macula is the center part of the retina that helps us see detail. And inflammation can be one of the main culprit culprits of macular pucker, you’re not getting the nutrients you need in that very tiny area. Also the vitreous which is the gel sac that sits in front of the retina has an attachment at the macula so we can start to pull on the macula because it’s shrinking. And this creates that distortion like a wave venous in the macula. So, MSM eyedrops, up in your lutein, zeaxanthin and acid Xanthan doing the eye exercises are very important. Red, red light therapy is also very important and blue blockers making sure you’re wearing your blue blockers for all your screen time.


So somebody’s asking a question. Read junnar eyes originaire are eg en er eyes. So I think in moderation that that in this particular set of eyedrops moderation, certainly you can use them. You can use them in conjunction with the MSM drops and the casserole eyedrops, for sure. So it’s not going to hurt you to use those. Okay, another question. Using the red light glasses, this is more of a comment. So red light therapy, especially in the red glasses is very, very helpful for mitochondria function, reducing oxidative stress on care. When Jeffries who was an ophthalmologist did a study on macular health, also red light reducing drusen. Here are my red glasses, I’m just using the window as a light source. Again, we don’t need to use a bright light source. But I’m doing this every morning and morning is the time you want to do the red glasses that was again highlighted in the study. So think mitochondria health, better ATP, better energy, reversing regeneration, that’s the basis of the red glasses. Okay, so somebody wants me to address blindness and partial blindness from birth. So as I said, at the very beginning, part of vision is in the brain. And you can have vision, and not have eyesight, you can have vision, and you can be physically blind.

There’s so many different components to vision about knowing where I am in space, understanding gravity, in my movement, understanding being able to locate myself and in motor myself through some kind of sensing, whether that’s intuition, or whether that’s peripheral awareness. So even if you’ve got the partial blindness at birth, there’s still a lot of upside in the sensory motor integration. And the brain is such a potent organ, in our learning in our processing, making relationships, problem solving. So think of it as blindness might be in the eye, but not in the brain, not in the body, not in the movement, not in the orientation. So there are many, many things that can be done. What is the best time today to take the optic nerve formula morning would be the best time you can either do it with or without food. You’re drinking it so you’re putting it in your favorite beverage, which for me is water and you can you can eat either before or after kind of just depends. It’s a very gentle powder so it works well.

Okay, here’s another question. I’ve been diagnosed with full thickness hole in the macula macular hole. And you’ve been offered surgery 95% Six or it’s a success rate. The stage as a whole has gotten to over there’s been no deterioration in the hole for 10 months since my last retinal scan. You’re inclined to wait. I would wait also, I think that you know the surgery is definitely could create things like scar, scar tissue inflammation In and poor eyesight, and part of it is dependent on, you know how well you see out of that eye what the distortion is like, but I would continue to boost your lutein, zeaxanthin, acid Xanthine saffron is another great one for your macular health. I sell that on my website. Curcumin is another one that’s very good for macular health. And then protecting yourself from the blue light. And using the red glasses would probably be really helpful the MSM 5%. So those would be some things to go and then using your judgment on how long you want to wait, and whether you feel you can reverse it enough where you don’t want to have the situation. Okay, how to stop constant eye twitching.

So with eye twitching, this can be a couple of things. First of all, not getting enough magnesium in your body. Most people are deficient in magnesium. I’ve done some great video blogs on magnesium. So that would be number one. Number two, I stress. And I would consider doing these exercises I showed you today, especially spotlighting the Palmer arm as a way to reduce the twitching the twitching is partly an overload. It’s an electrical overload into the eyes. So what’s your EMF exposure? Do you do earthing? Can you live in your bare feet? Are you doing things like sunning and forest bathing and more nature based things, you might consider some cranial sacral therapy.

But this the twitching is really related to stress. So somebody’s asking, Will these protocols help with vertigo? Yes, but especially with the long swings that could trigger more vertigo. So you might start with your eyes closed and do it while you’re sitting, you’re gonna have to kind of push through some of the vertigo energy at that you’re experiencing to have a wider field of peripheral vision. You know, Vertigo is an interesting thing, because it can be an under acting vestibular system and an overacting visual system. And this is creating the vertigo. So doing things like with balance with eyes closed, doing some cranial sacral therapy, doing some eye stimulation, things like the ones I’m showing you today can start to move you out of the vertigo. Alright, er RM, that’s the same epiretinal membrane disorder as macular pucker.

So I think I’ve just addressed that you were just diagnosed with early stages of macular degeneration, of course, this can be stopped and reversed if we can, I can point you to the landmark Arutz study Aritz two study where they actually showed taking certain nutrients beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, Omega three zinc, you could actually slow down the progression, and in some cases, reverse the macular degeneration. All right, somebody’s asking about to find out a book or course about root causes. Okay, well, I’m gonna segue here for a second and make an announcement. This is a new program that I’m going to be launching. And because you’ve taken this class, you have first dibs of being able to sign up. It’s my membership subscription program. And I’ve been working really hard on the membership. There are three different kinds of membership. Think of it like a Netflix where you can join in a membership, and you get access to my classes and courses that you normally wouldn’t be able to see on social media.

Also, some of my advanced classes on aromatherapy color therapy. And in this one question you’re having about the root causes, there’s going to be a curriculum for each eye condition. So with this membership, there there again, three different ways you can do it. There’s the hawk, the vision, I’m sorry, the hawk, the eagle, and the professional mentorship. So any people out there that are health practitioners, licensed health practitioners that want to be mentored by me. They can join the mentorship program. But for the for everybody else, the hawk and the and the eagle. They offer you discounts on my products, discounts on courses, access to a live weekly q&a with me, so you get to ask questions like you’re doing right now. And so if you want to sign up, I’m going to give you the link here. And you can go to it and also give you a code that you can use. And you’ll get a discount for signing up for taking this class. So I’m going to put it in the chat, here it is right now.




there we go. So that’s the the platform that it will be on. And if you use the code launch, when you line up, you’ll get a coupon. And, again, you could look at the different membership levels, and what they offer. But this would be a way for you to understand root causes, and what you can do about it. So I’m going to continue on with the questions. And let’s see how far we can go.


Sunglasses outside, well, I think in moderation, sunglasses are just fine to use. I use sunglasses, when there’s a lot of glare, if I’m on the water, if I’m up at 12,000 feet or skiing, it’s perfectly fine. Now one of the things I’m going to be offering because people are asking for, and I get so kind of frustrated about what’s being sold on the market, I have developed a pair of sunglasses that are really healthy for you. They give you great optics, and great clarity. And they’re very balanced in terms of all the light getting into your eyes. So we’re going to be releasing those sunglasses, the sun lenses, probably by the end of July. So stay tuned for that. But generally speaking, get 30 to 60 minutes of natural sunlight away a day. And then if you want to wear some sunglasses when you feel you need it like when you’re driving. That’s perfectly fine. Alright, somebody’s talking about a vitrectomy. Again, this is a surgery. They’re trying to improve the circulation. I would be careful about going into that. Again. It’s it’s so related to Oh, do you have high eye pressure?

Is it narrow angle glaucoma? What are you dealing with? But certainly using my methods could be very helpful in being able to avoid those. Those situations. All right. Somebody’s asking about the retina retina, an occultation. So let me say this about the retina. I think for everybody we need to boost omega threes. We need to boost our lutein, zeaxanthin and Astra Xanthan, making sure we’re we’re absorbing the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A and lutein and zeaxanthin. And I think that if you can do those things, if you’re really suffering, do the red therapy, red light therapy. Think of it this way that you’re just going to work from a wellness model, or you’re not going to get so hooked into X treats why? X fixes why, but you’re going to do more of the wellness model, how can I boost my retina so then all of these conditions can dissipate and go away?


All right, next question.


Are there benefits to cranial sacral therapy besides a stigmatism yes for myopia for strabismus, absolutely, you know, working with kids and adults over the years, I have the the the expertise of my eye exam equipment here and the massage table right next to it. I would measure them and do cranial and the strabismus would be less sometimes it would be gone. The myopia would be less the astigmatism would be less. So there’s a direct correlation to the health and movement here and what’s going on in our eyes. Okay, my daughter was diagnosed with myopia she is 13 they want to do hard lenses to stop the progression.

What can I do with her right eye so the right eye is part of it? Well, she could at you could ask the doctor if she’s going to do context for distance to get some kind of a reading prescription in glasses for up close to reduce the myopia. So she’s not looking through the distance lenses for her or close work. The next thing would be maybe to get into some kind of physical vision therapy program, either with me or another holistic guy doctor to see if you can build more flexibility and resiliency because is what the hard contact lenses are doing is treating a symptom. I mean, it will help slow the progression, but it’s not treating the cause of what’s generating the myopia.

That’s where you need to do the physical vision therapy. All right, the five exercises again are number one, long swings. Number two, I scan. Number three MSM, I massage and I bath. Number four, tongue clock exercise. Number five, the palm hum exercise. Good to see you, Susie. Any advice on presbyopia? Start with wearing pinhole glasses instead of your readers when you’re reading. Number two, wear something less than you normally wear in terms of magnification and make the print the font larger. And number three, use the minus lens to blur exercise on my website. That’s great for presbyopia.


You can Google it to find it out.


All right, next question. Would you please come out with some blue blocker reading glasses. You read my mind? I am working diligently right now with my manufacturers to come up with some really new blue blockers in the readers. And some people are wanting different kinds of frames. So yes, that is happening. Check back with me the end of July. Okay, you’ve been using glaucoma drops for three years they make you sick. Do you know anything about these types of drops? Well, you can Google the side effects. They dry your eyes, they create blurred vision, heart palpitations, so on and so forth.

This is why I would consider starting to do some other things the nitric oxide, taking better care of your optic nerve through gingko biloba, bilberry, omega threes, it’s in cranial sacral booster lymphatic health gets an acupuncture do so my eye exercises, the red glasses. I have so much that I’ve produced about glaucoma and with his membership program, we’re going to have a specific course on glaucoma. So you might want to check that out. And there’ll be both exercises in elearning. So, again, my membership program is is open. And if you want to register for it, we’d love to have you again, you can use the discount code launch and check it out. It’s really good. Oh, no, we don’t we don’t have a link further. So I post I put the link in the chat.


It never showed up here. Okay, so let me do it again. You say is the code is launch? Yep. But let me let me see


where the meeting chat group. Let’s try it again. Okay, it said it did but it obviously you didn’t get there it is


okay. Okay, awesome. Thanks. Okay. Sure. Do it again.


So you. Alright, I want to continue with the questions. I’ve got a little more time and I want to really make this valuable to you today. So that you took the time and so did I know like, I apologize for that. All right, let’s come back up to yes, you can use the red lens glasses ongoing just as a maintenance. You really can overdo it, especially if you’re regulating the light source. You don’t need a light bright, bright light source. That’s the problem with some of these boxes, the the LED blocks is they’re just too too bright. Okay, so somebody said they missed the the Troy missed the class. So you’re gonna get a copy of this. If you want to, you can just double check


you can send an email there and say that you didn’t you didn’t you weren’t able to join and we will send you a link so you’ll be able to get that and so just email them and we are very aware of that. Okay, let’s keep going with some other questions.


With MSM drops help with IP Pressure. No, you need to do much more than MSM, there is an herb that I like that can actually bring the pressure down. And it’s called coleus. I just wrote it in the chat Coleus and This herb has been shown to bring down the high pressure so I would get on that. Okay, and that would be, that would be much better for you. I would probably also add the nitric oxide optic nerve formula, you need to protect your optic nerve with glaucoma. So, that would be my approach. Certainly the MSM are great, but not by itself, or the blue blocker adhesive screens use directly on devices as effective as blue blocking glasses. No, they are good. A company I’m working with right now is called Safe sleeve. I like their products. I’ll put it in the chat safe sleeve. We’ll give you the that that screen protector that you want and you need. Okay, let’s go here. I’m using Aquaman. eyedrops, which contains n acetyl, carnosine, glutathione and vitamin C. My opinion of those eyedrops is the they are hit or miss. I stopped using them, because they really weren’t helping the majority of my patients and they’re kind of expensive.

However, if you’re getting benefits from them usable, you’ll know in about three months, whether they’re working or not. If they’re not working, you’re going to have to steer in another direction. In my opinion, I think the cataracts are really caused a lot by systemic imbalances, what I talked about at the beginning, upping your glutathione and vitamin C on a systemic level and really balancing out your glucose, the glycation process. There’s another product I use called Berberine which actually helps balance out your blood sugar levels quite well and it’s a great formula for improving lens health. So you might check that out. Okay, everybody, it’s been a pleasure back online. I love it. You’ll see me more doing these classes. And also check out my membership. We’d love to have you. I wish you a great weekend, and so great to be with you again. Have a great weekend.


Thank you for listening. I hope you learned something from the EyeClarity podcast show today. If you enjoyed the episode, make sure to subscribe on iTunes or Spotify and leave a review. See you here next time.

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