eyeClarity Podcast

eyeClarity Podcast

Coaching Session: Helping an Entrepreneur Move Forward With His Business

July 05, 2023

In this coaching session, I’m helping an entrepreneur move forward with his business with social media. This entrepreneur wants to create small snippets of information to engage their audience and keep them interested in their farm. We discuss using email blasts, social media sites, and podcasts to deliver the content. Also the importance of consistency and using platforms like TikTok for viral reach. Enjoy the show!

If you want more, sign up for my newsletter at: www.drsamberne.com. If you have any questions, submit them to hello@drsamberne.com or you can now text me! Text ‘Join’ to 1-844-932-1291 to join the community and ask your questions!


podcast, people, reels, snippet, information, aromatherapy, videos, farm, create, imovie, put, 32nd, instagram, tick tock, social media sites, phone, microphone, audio, post, headliner



Hey everybody, its Dr. Sam, and I’d like to welcome you to my EyeClarity podcast. If you want to get in touch with me with questions, you can email me at hello@drsamberne.com. And you can always text me your questions at 1-844-932-1291.



I would like to let you know about my new membership program.



This is going to offer members new information on how to improve their vision and wellness. So you will get access to articles, video, blogs, podcasts, and webinars. Also a live q&a with me. And all of this information will empower you to make informed decisions about your vision, and your health. So to sign up to go to my website, drsamberne.com. And you can see the details there. All right now on to the show.



Hey, everybody, it’s Dr. Sam, and I’d like to welcome you to my podcast today. So this is a coaching session I gave helping a brand, develop their products through my marketing techniques. And so you’ll get a snippet of some q&a and also my advice on how to navigate podcasts and videos, especially when you’re just starting out. So I hope you enjoy the show. Thanks for tuning in, give me a little background on your project, and what you’re trying to achieve.



Basically, what I’m trying to do is we’re trying to create kind of, like you had said, you had mentioned about creating small clips information for content to pique people’s interest, or not wanting to Record interview with other people or creating long clips, but basically to create interest by giving snippets of information for people who are fans of Lazar during keeping them kind of little bits and pieces of nuggets about what’s happening on the farm, just to keep them interested in the goings on and either either give it to them embedded, this is my questions either embedded in the email blasts, we’re sitting out using MailChimp.



And I’ve gotten some pretty good response on on our email list. So I’m wanting to continue to use that not just in emails, but possibly also included up updates to the social media sites for the podcast, just try to figure out if that’s possible and how you do that.



So in this project that Jason you’re doing, are these podcasts that you’re wanting to,



you know, splice up and, and put in the newsletter or what’s the video content?



Well, basically, I remember what you had said before was I said you could use your your iPhone to create basically a podcast where then you they would use some sort of editor to break it up into segments and issue out different pieces of that to



to create interest from the people that are following you just so they can fit so they They basically come on, listen to a 32nd to a minute update in products, new products that are coming out happenings at the farm different types of things. And we release those every so often. I just wasn’t sure if that’s something that you would put in on your web. Would you put that in your social media like Facebook and Instagram? Maybe it possibly is real? Or could you just do that and insured also say like, if we do we’re basically we’re trying to do is every two weeks, send out an email to our email list our customers and give them information about what’s happening on the farm. I thought maybe if we can embed an audio clip for them when they when they get it. They will be able to hear what’s happening going on with the farm and that piece of information just to keep it kind of like an organic unique content as they receive the emails to



to pique your interest, okay, well, this is surely a podcast that you’re broadcasting as a channel on Apple or anywhere else, people can log into it a bit, listen to different podcasts like that it was more about cutting up the snippets and putting in information for the different types of media that you’re trying to submit to people. Okay, so there’s a software program called headliner.



And what headliner can do for you is it can



create an audio file that you could then



there’ll be, there’ll be a visual with it as well, which could be like, a picture or a slide or something. And it’s pretty user friendly, you could then take that finished product, and you could either



if you have a YouTube channel, you could,



you know, upload it to your YouTube channel. And then when you do MailChimp,



there would be a place where there’s a if you have a visual of a slide or something, and it will say on the MailChimp Do you want to have a link, so you can add a link that would be attached to that picture. And then you could have a little headline to say, listen to this audio of an update that we’re doing at the farm, that would be one way to do it.



Another thing that you could do with that is you could take that headliner, snippet, and you could



you could post it on any of your social media platforms. And so again, what’s working really well right now is Facebook reels. If you have a Facebook account,



or Instagram reels, again, if it’s under 30 seconds, you would want to put it in Facebook reels, Instagram reels. And if you have a YouTube channel, youtube reels and what’s the advantage advantage contagious about YouTube reels is that it has the second highest search engine after Google. So if you come up with a clever name of the snippet, people could search for it. And even if you don’t get a lot of views on it, you would start to eventually get some traction. And the key is consistency.



Another idea I have is, with your iPhone, just take a video of the farm or if something and then do a voiceover.



And that would be you know, another possibility if you’re adept to doing that. And then you can, again, just post that directly. You don’t need headliner, you could post that directly on your social media sites. And as long as you have it



uploaded on either your YouTube channel or your website, whatever is easier, YouTube’s pretty easy, then you could take the link, and then you could use it for your MailChimp. You can put it on there.



I’ve seen where it shows that you can you can add the link to the picture of what you’re sending out in the campaigns. Yeah, well, I have seen that. So that would be that would be a way to do it. And with your posts, The more consistent you are on the social media platforms. I mean, we are posting about eight different content pieces a day on the variety of different social media sites. And so you know, I have a very active team now that’s working with me. And actually, you know, podcasting is so easy. That’s another way of, you know, getting people to listen to follow you.



I know that’s maybe not what you’re wanting to do right now and that’s totally cool. But, you know, consider that because



I gotta tell you, when I do an aromatherapy post, like on I’m an aroma therapist and I



I’m wanting to carry some essential oils on my ecommerce. In fact, I’d like to talk to you about that at some time. But anyway, I just did a post on tick tock about some essential oils I use for the eyes. And I think we got 200,000 views on tick tock. It was a viral video. And so you never know what tick tock because they’re still spaciousness on you know, people discovering you. You should be on that site or you should be on that platform for sure.



What is your what you



Your name, social media name on tick tock. It’s, I think it’s Dr. Sam Berne, B, er, any holistic eye care.



So you can, you can start looking at the Tick Tock things that I posting.



So anyway, um, people like research and essential oils, like I did one on clary sage, and hormone balance, and that was another really popular one. So, Aromatherapy is, is, you know, it’s one of my loves, for sure. I mean, it’s so anyway, you know, I think you could do even more on it as well. So, but I think you’re on the right track with the,



you know, with the ideas of taking those audio files and, and just, you know, doing a 20 to 32nd snippet



that we do that all the time. You know, every time I post the podcast, I have about four of those I’m putting up. And, you know, people like that mistake you’re posting for those on the same social media platform on Facebook, or are you? Yes, yes, no, no, on, we do four on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn.



So we take the same ones, and we just post them on all of them. And then we take the entire podcast, and we



put that on my apple, iTunes and Spotify and my website. That’s the that’s the so we’ll, we’ll use it as a teaser. If you want to hear more of the podcast, somebody sees it on Instagram, then go to my go to my podcast page. And I’ve just, I’ve just introduced, we’re starting a membership program in mid July. And so I have that at the beginning of the podcast, you know, hey, I’m starting a membership,



more videos and podcasts that you won’t see on social media. And then they go to the podcast, and we get about 10,000 uploads a month on our podcast. So it’s just another funnel, you know, for you to



you know, and another technique we’re doing is I’m doing a free class next Saturday. And in order to be able to come to the class, you have to give us your email address. So we’re, then we can add that to our, our newsletter.



capability. So, you know, there’s lots of ways to continue to build. And



yeah, so does that help you? Does that give you any ID? Okay, it gives us some good ideas about what to do. I believe we had a YouTube channel long ago, we’ve had some videos that we did, probably about close to 10 years ago, if I remember correctly, I’m gonna go back and investigate that and see if I can recover that information. If not, I’m going to create a new one, just because it allows me to upload a location for a for videos, because we’ve links to use within social media and our website or, you know, platforms to access these, these videos for people. And so I can share that content. My other question I had was, I’ve watched a few different



people talk on social media about podcasts. And just so I can kind of get some basic information. And what are the things that a lot of these same people talked about was was an important part of this is the quality of the of the audio, for cost for the content that you’re creating for the people that you’re marketing it to? They’re saying, it’s really one of the best industries for being dynamic microphones, the SAM, Samsung, you to a microphone, is that really an important thing to do is to get the microphone and things like a software instead of a hardware, audio editing so that you create the snippets? Absolutely not. That’s crazy. That’s selling. So all you need right now to get started is use your iPhone. And there are several apps that you could use to actually upload right to it. If you want an audio guy, I could give you the name of somebody who’s not expensive, who could play with your sound levels on GarageBand. And,



but you don’t, I would not necessarily invest in you know, a lot of audio equipment right now. What you can do is record a intro and maybe get a jingle get us



Sound, we see what’s going to happen is that we’re going to be going to voice. And so the more



people can associate either your voice or a sound to your brand, that’s going to be the next thing. You know, like Siri, you know, say, Oh, can I have the name of an aromatherapy company in New Mexico or something like that. So if you have a jingle, if you have like something, and you’re making an announcement of, hey, this is my podcast, you know, an intro, this guy could help you with that. So that that would be on every podcast that you have, hey, send us your questions.

And I have a text where people can text me their questions, as well as emailing. And so if you want to, or you could just start and just do the audio on your phone, get some up going, you know, see how it goes. And then you can invest in a little bit of a microphone situation, but you don’t really need it, you know, some of my best, most viral videos are when the audio and the video is most raw. Like it’s unprofessional. Like, it’s not super, because because it’s more authentic.

You know, and I’m not saying that, you know, microphones don’t make a difference. They do. But I tell you what, I do a lot of my podcasts when I’m hiking, and I’ll hike in the woods, and there’s a stream going on. And you know, I have a wireless microphone system now that I use, but even then sometimes the audio isn’t the best. But people love it. You know, I mean, it’s definitely got to be audible. But it’s real. But it’s a bit it’s real. So so you know.



Yeah, I don’t think you need to go to the highest level right now. I mean, if you’re in studio, if you had like a studio and you were doing an interview type program.



Again, I don’t know what kind of format you have are going to have, you could talk about getting some good microphones, definitely. But to start with, it’s not going to matter. I mean, people are going to want the information. And if you’re clear and you create value for them, then that’s the most important thing. They’re gonna keep coming back. And that’s the most important thing.



Am I have a question? Yes. So when you’re, when you’re talking about doing the 32nd reel for Instagram, and Tiktok, and Facebook, and you do this from your phone? Do you have to do the videos separate and do a voiceover? Or can a lot of times I walk around the farm and show him things that are growing on the farm? What’s going on? While I’m holding my phone and talking? Is that okay? Or do they have to be done separately? No, you could do it. Most of my video work is done while I have a gimbal. So I have this, this, this thing that. So when I walk people don’t get dizzy or you know, it’s it, they use it in the movies. Yeah. So you attach the phone to the gimbal and turn the volume up. And you can either video it on iMovie or iPhoto.

Either one iMovie gives you a little more option to edit it a little easier. And then once you have it, you can then upload it to any of your social media sites right off the phone. As long as you have the app. Yes. Okay. So it’s pretty instant. iMovie or iPhone goes on your phone. It does or does or software, you know, programs that are on your phone. I mean, the iPhoto is part of the phone and I suppose iMovie so you just download the app, so it’s on your phone, or on your phones.

And I mean I do so many videos where I’m walking or you know, that’s people love that. And you don’t Yeah, so that that would be a way for you. I mean, I did that on my own for like five years and then finally I was able to get somebody to do subtitles now we’re doing subtitles in Spanish we’re doing B roll on my videos but you don’t have to do that the beginning just I mean that’s what I did. I would just work for myself and now now I’m doing well so I have a whole staff of people but the beginning



just do it put it out and put out as much as you can, you know because you just put out a bunch of them because



Instagram we’ll put it up



well you can do longer form on YouTube. So that would be a place you could do long form and on regular Facebook you could



Do long form.



So it’s the reels that are shorter, but I do sometimes, you know, on my YouTube podcasts that run an hour, or an hour and a half, I just put those on YouTube. So you you have the long form, and then you have the short form. So you do both. And you have to kind of look at each platform and say what, what’s the, what’s the way that I have to present this that will match the people following because it’s very different, say on Instagram vs. Tik Tok, I mean, there’s nuances or LinkedIn.

So what you can do is just spend maybe an hour and just look through some of the people either that are doing the same thing you’re doing or just generally, so you get a feel for what, you know what’s working on that certain platform. And then because each platform has its own personality, and when I do on tick tock, I don’t necessarily do it on the other sites, because that’s its own. That’s its own gig going on there. And so it’s got to be edited really quickly. And it’s a fast paced, because, you know, usually people the attention span, what they’re looking for on Tik Tok is different. Sure.



I don’t know tick tock, but okay. Yeah. So you know, download the app, open an account and start wow, I mean, look at my stuff. You know, I do a ton on aromatherapy. Because I love it. And you’ll see it’s like, wow, I’m getting some, some views on this. So and I just tied in to my, you know, my work in the wellness stuff. And, you know, my love of nature and stuff like that. So, you know, it’s it’s a variety so people get to know me a little bit.



I’m not just Well, I don’t think you have that issue.



They know Well, only a small percentage. But anyway,



any other questions



Thank you for listening. I hope you learned something from the EyeClarity podcast show today. If you enjoyed the episode, make sure to subscribe on iTunes or Spotify and leave a review. See you here next time.