Famous at Home

Famous at Home

Latest Episodes

Cohesive: How to Foster "Togetherness" in Your Family
December 15, 2022

What activities foster a sense of "togetherness" for your family? In this episode, we continue the Words that Matter for Your Family series, and talk about the word "cohesive." Here are some highlig

Resourceful: Raising Confident, Not Entitled, Kids
December 08, 2022

Do you want to work yourself out of a job as a parent? Best selling author and educator Esther Wojcicki describes the one rule she used as a parent with her three daughters, "Don't do anything for you

Simplicity: Family Life Doesn't Have to be so Complicated
December 01, 2022

Does life feel too complex, perhaps even chaotic, at times? As we continue our series, Words that Matter for Your Family, this week we talk about the word "simplicity," and why it's important to take

Discipline: Why Discipline is the "End All Be All" For Your Family, But Not With Your Kids
November 24, 2022

As we continue our series, Words that Matter for Your Family, this week we talk about the word "discipline," and why it's the "end all be all" for your family, but not for your kids. We also talk abou

Attunement: How to Get Your Spouse and Kids to "Feel Seen"
November 17, 2022

As we continue our series, Words that Matter for Your Family, this week we talk about the word "attunement," and why it's important for your spouse and kids to "feel seen" in their relationship with y

Safety: Why Emotional Safety is the Anchor for Lasting Family Connection
November 10, 2022

This week, we kick off a brand new series called Words that Matter for Your Family. For the next few weeks we'll be talking about words that better help us show up for our spouse and kids. To begin, w

Rethinking the Household
November 03, 2022

Have you ever given thought to how your "household" is being defined? The direction it's heading? Or the connectedness you feel to one another? In this episode, we talk about the meaning of the word "

Recalibrating Your Family + Exciting Updates from FAH
October 27, 2022

Alright, friends! We have some exciting new updates for you about the podcast and Famous at Home. If you're a regular family member of the podcast, you'll want to hear these new updates. Also, do you

Moving From Chaos to Confident as a Parent with Rebekah Scott
October 20, 2022

If you're a parent, you've likely felt overworked, overwhelmed, and unsuccessful. Maybe you feel that way now? Perhaps home even feels chaotic. What if there was a system that helped you take control

Money and Marriage with Bob and Linda Lotich
October 13, 2022

How do you get on the same page as your spouse when it comes to money? Is it possible to simplify your money life? In this episode, Josh and Christi talk with Bob and Linda Lotich, founders of SeedTim
