Famous at Home

Famous at Home

Latest Episodes

Your Kids, the Easter Story, and Talking About Difficult Emotions
February 23, 2023

Not only is the message of Jesus death and resurrection difficult to translate to children, but the events leading up to Jesus death were full of emotions for His family, disciples, and all who followed Him. The happiness on Palm Sunday, the surprise at

Who Did You Marry?
February 16, 2023

Have you and your spouse ever looked at each other and wondered, "Who did we marry?"Lewis Smedes once said, "My wife has lived with at least five different men since we were wedand eachof the five has been me." It's amazing how much we change: sometime

Finding Delight in Your Everyday Work with Jordan Raynor
February 09, 2023

Perhaps you feel like the work you are doing inside your home or at an office is left unnoticed. Maybe you feel like your everyday work is less important than someone else's work. Get this: your work is ministry and God sees you. He sees it as purposeful

Finding Your Rally Cry as a Family
January 31, 2023

Have you discovered what brings your family alive? Perhaps it's an activity, hobby, or some type of adventure, like an annual vacation or memories on a lake house? Can you identify the life-giving moments that bring your family together? In this episode,

Making Screen Changes for Your Family
January 26, 2023

How has the screen influenced your family? On one hand, you may say you want to spend less time on your phone, but actually following through is quite difficult. Screens have infiltrated every area of our lives: communication, work email, directions, Uber

Parenting: Getting 'It' Right with Sandra Stanley
January 19, 2023

Am I getting parenting right? That's a question that crosses our mind quite often. Which makes anyone who decides to write a book with so bold a title as Parenting: Getting it Right, either have a lot

Adventure: Creating Life-Giving Experiences for Your Family
January 12, 2023

The everyday mundane has a knack for keeping us comfortable. Before long, we forget to take risks, do something out of our comfort zone, or prioritize activities that actually bring us life. That's wh

Purpose: How to Live On Purpose, Not By Accident, As a Family
January 05, 2023

There is a hard truth we all have to come to grips with: If you don't get intentional about the direction of your family, the culture will decide it for you. A culture that values individual achieveme

Teachable: How to Cultivate a Teachable Spirit in Your Home
December 29, 2022

Isn't it wild how we, as humans, are drawn to prioritizing a growth mindset...well, that is, until someone (a spouse, child, coworker, or friend) delivers us some unwelcome constructive criticism. Can

Faith: How Does Your Faith Actually Influence Your Family?
December 22, 2022

Conversation about faith is inevitable with your kids. The trouble is when we, often unintentionally, attach shame and pressure with it, perhaps feeling inadequate about the topic. But what if living
