Mindset for Life

Mindset for Life

How to Get More Joy in Your Life–Part 3

August 02, 2023

Looking for joy and wondering how to get more in  your life? This podcast episode is the third of four in a short series. We're not going to talk about what joy is or why you should care. Instead, we're just going to dive right into some things I do in my work with clients to help them find more joy on a regular basis. After all, if you're looking for more joy, you probably want to just get started right now!

The third step is to build specific skills that help establish joyful habits. These center around the PERMA model, developed by positive psychology researcher Dr. Martin Seligman and lay out a road map that helps us develop a more satisfying, happier, joyful life.

In addition to the PERMA model, learned optimism and physical exercise boost mood and wellbeing. Your take away from this episode will be a list of ideas around ways to intentionally bring more joy into your life, beginning today.

Join me for today's episode of Mindset for Life!

This episode's theme song is “Sunshine Club,” by Ishan Dincer. Used with Permission.

Like what you read here? In this podcast, I’m sharing some core principles I’ve learned in coaching that have completely changed my life. These ideas restore personal power and bring the confidence to grow our unique traits, strengths, and attributes, to live with purpose and joy as we make each day a little better. And when we do that, we're putting good into the world. Right here, you have the tools to take one small step. And with a personal coach, you can take it deeper, to make these changes a lasting part of your life. You can live your true purpose with joy, every day.
