Wellness and Weight Loss with Dr. Susan

Wellness and Weight Loss with Dr. Susan

Latest Episodes

The 5 Must Haves of a Respectable Weight Loss Program
July 27, 2021

A 2019 Harvard study is quite alarming and the study reveals that nearly 50% of the population will be obese in 2030.  To slow and reverse this epidemic we must understand why you gained weight in the first place. There’s a science to weight loss, nu

Do We Really Want A Return To Normal?
June 26, 2021

We're coming out of a pandemic with everyone concerned about returning to normal.  I for one do not want things to go back to "normal"! Yes, of course we want the pandemic to end but we've had an epidemic in this country for decades toward obesity, h

Do You Really Want To Return To Normal?
June 15, 2021

We're coming out of a pandemic with everyone concerned about returning to normal. I for one do not want things to go back to "normal"! A CDC report says half of all adults have some type of chronic illness. That report was from 2012! We've had an epidem

Struggles of Weight and Body Image In Younger Women
May 04, 2021

Dare I say, women struggle with body image maybe a little bit more than men?  How many times lady's do you say to yourself, "I can't wear this."  Maybe it's more like this..."These shorts makes my hips look big" and don't get me started about ou

3 Weight Loss BioHacks to Lose Weight & Love Your Body
April 16, 2021

Chronic dieting is ineffective and leads to further weight gain by robbing you of vital nutrients and vitamins needed for energy and to drive your metabolism.

The Answer to Thinning Hair, Restless Sleep and Weight Gain over 50
March 18, 2021

The thyroid like other hormones decreases as we age, with each decade it decreases further.  Many blame slowing down, constipation, thinning hair and weight gain on menopause (or andropause for guys) but it might be the thyroid.

Are you waking up more tired than when you went to bed?
March 18, 2021

Could it be your thyroid? Symptoms of hypothyroidism develop slowly, often over several years. At first, you may feel tired and sluggish. Later, you may develop other signs and symptoms of a slowed-down metabolism, including: - Feeling cold when other peo

Exploring Hashimoto's: What your doc never told you
February 27, 2021

Hashimoto's is an auto-immune disease of the thyroid gland.  It is treated with medication. It's said to be the number one cause of hypothyroidism and under active thyroid.   But is it? Listen in as Dr. Susan Plank briefly discusses inflammation

Women Health Issues: Inflammation & Foundational Thought Patterns
February 19, 2021

Women's health issues including PCOS, endometriosis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are triggered and worsened by unrecognized inflammation.  Also, adding to these issues are faulty core beliefs. We delve into these conditions and the potential thought p

Lower Cholesterol and Lose Inches from Your Waistline Quickly & Naturally
February 19, 2021

Listen in, This client has had great success, when we removed inflammatory foods... "It has been one month since I started the programs and and stopped drinking. I have lost 20 pounds! I went from having heartburn constantly, to not having it at all! I am