Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

You Can Never Have Enough Data – Photis Patriotis of Gritsee (DH137)

June 11, 2022
There’s never too much information your business can gather. But how do you sift through the data?

Photis Patriotis is the founder of Gritsee, which is an AI solution based business that seeks to optimize the operations of kitchens and businesses. It only takes seconds for artificial intelligence to find solutions to known — and unknown — problems using video and data-collecting software. 

“The main thing is there was just a ton of data missing,” says Gritsee’s Photis Patriotis on the Digital Hospitality podcast, hosted by restaurant owner (and Gritsee partner) Shawn P. Walchef of “What’s going on for every single order.”

Check out this interview with Gritsee CEO Photis Patriotis to learn about moving food delivery to the future, using artificial intelligence, and how relationships still matter even in a digital world.




3 Takeaways from this Episode —

It’s Always Better To Know Than To Not Know: Photis Patriotis and Gritsee is in the business of collecting and delivering data. The success of a business hinges upon the illumination and addressing of blind spots. Patriotis’ speaks about how his company provides just that.


Defining The Easy Is The Hard Part: Gritsee is in the business of collecting and delivering data. The success of a business hinges upon the illumination and addressing of blind spots. Patriotis’ speaks on how his company provides just that.


Relationships Still Matter In The Digital World: Despite the near elimination of the need to be physically in the vicinity of another human being, building relationships still reign supreme when it comes to business. The service industry requires trust, and trust is the both the bedrock for and product of positive relationships; even in the virtual space.



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Gritsee CEO Photis Patriotis

Few industries have seen a bigger shift in business practices than the food, restaurant, and hospitality industries. With a sea change comes a new set of issues and oversights that could be causing businesses to hemorrhage dollars.

Cali BBQ and others use Gritsee to help improve our kitchen operations in the fast-paced and constantly evolving restaurant and ghost kitchen business. 

Tracking the detailed information that comes with a restaurant can be time consuming, and leaving it to humans is also leaving room for human error. That’s where Gritsee helps.

Founder Photis Patriotis’ extensive background in tech and imaging birthed the idea of video surveillance as a data gathering tool.

“Just using video is such a cheap and comprehensive way to be able to get way more of this data. Figuring out what happened to every single order that left your location is super valuable and becoming more valuable.”

With the influx of online ordering and third party delivery services, and the more potential customers are using online reviews to help them decide if they are going to remove potential as a descriptor and become an actual customer, there is a need for restaurants to be able to assess any gap that may have caused a bad review or gaps in productivity.

As Patriotis describes, “You get a weird review or something happens, you know? How do you track down whether you messed up or not?”

“Especially now that there are third parties, you’re giving your food to somebody else and then now they’re responsible for your food; for how your brand is perceived. You know?”

Gritsee restaurant software on a Macbook


Restaurant Operational Challenges Solved with Real-World Data

1. Labor Management:

Gritsee saves managers time by letting them do observations and analysis from anywhere. It also helps trim down on labor time while improving performance by identifying problem areas.

2. Reviews and Refunds

Auditable data from Gritsee keeps you in control lets you fight undue refunds from delivery companies or remediate bad reviews.

3. Process Optimization

Gritsee’s video search is optimized for large amounts of processes, orders, and menu items. It allows restaurants to find issues stemming from menu or brand, and send links to specific orders to staff and others.


Providing solutions was fundamental inspiration for Photis Patriotis embarking on the entrepreneurial journey with Gritsee. Being a software engineer by trade, it only makes sense that he arrived at this proposed solution by first getting lost in a bevy of problems.

“For me, a lot of it just I just dived really deep into problems,” He says of his initial motivation to make the leap into starting a business. “So that’s really what drives me. It’s just kind of constantly being in that problem solving attitude. “

”That’s where the idea of being introduced into the virtual food space and really digging in on that, and saying ‘Ok this is really cool’. Stuff is happening here. There’s an ability to really change the way that people eat everywhere.”

That’s the link. The relationship between humans and their food is one that, though it may look different than we’ve grown to traditionally accept, is still sacred. Patriotis and his company, Gritsee, has a goal to enhance that relationship by providing restaurants with the feedback necessary for the customer to have the most positive experience possible.

Rapport is built through execution. The restaurant to customer relationship, especially with it being increasingly in a digital space, is invaluable for both parties. Patriotis understands that in a world where we can have a favorite restaurant that we have never physically sat in, that middle ground is where the relationship is formed.

“That’s the way, you know, everything works. It’s still relationship based in the digital world.”

-Feature Article by Cali BBQ Media Writer TJ Void. Get in touch with TJ at




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Gritsee —

Gritsee’s AI-based Kitchen and Packaging Awareness Solution helps you fine-tune your operations in seconds from anywhere. The restaurant technology company was founded by CEO Photis Patriotis. Gritsee is working with large ghost kitchen and virtual restaurant companies, multi-brand restaurant holding companies, and other last-mile businesses.

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