Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

How To Become An E-Commerce Company | Ride1Up Electric Bikes | DH131

January 17, 2022
Ride1UP electric bikes (e-bikes) are built for performance and reliability. And so is the e-commerce company itself.

Ride1UP developed a product they felt was life-changing: electric bikes. But how did the company leaders make sure they could get their e-bikes to as many people as they could? By becoming an e-commerce company.

Ride1UP CEO Daniel Urbino was a guest on the Digital Hospitality podcast where he talked about running the San Diego e-commerce e-bike company with a mission to change how the world gets from one place to another.

“E-commerce is anything online. It’s just another avenue to reach consumers,” Daniel Urbino shared on the Digital Hospitality podcast.

• You can watch the full interview on our Cali BBQ YouTube channel:

“E-commerce can be selling a product, selling a service… You could sell products online through retailers, which are your big-box Target, Walmart, Costco… And there’s what we do at Ride1UP, which is direct to consumer.”


CEO Daniel Urbino LinkedIn

@ride_1up on Instagram

Ride1UP CEO Daniel Urbino on the Digital Hospitality podcast
The Ride1UP Story:

Ride1Up was founded in 2018 out of a love for bikes and a goal to sells consumers better-quality, innovative electric bikes at a very competitive price.

The founders of the San Diego e-bike company Ride1UP knew they had a vital product in electric bikes — one that could help the world. They just had to find a way to drive down the cost enough so more people could make the switch to riding an electric bike.

Enter e-commerce.

“We have no physical presence, but we have a customer support presence which rivals any in the industry. It is difficult to make a thousand-dollar purchase online, but we are here to make it easier.”

3 Takeaways from Interview:

CEO Daniel Urbino interview about Ride1UP and ecommerce

1. Making Affordable Products Takes Work –

Becoming an e-commerce brand and selling direct to consumer helped Ride1UP market affordable e-bikes to their customers instead of going through a distributor middleman.

“We’re providing our customers with a better product, better components and really a higher quality at a fraction of the price that you would see in shop. So I think those are the primary benefits of the direct to consumer approach, and it really ties into our identity as a brand.” -Daniel Urbino

2. A Need For Hospitality –

The time it takes to bring an idea to fruition so it becomes a product people can purchase has changed. It’s sometimes hard to get products manufactured in the current climate so it takes care and customer service to make the difference to a consumer.

“Anyone could go online, find a cheap ebike to order and have it shipped to their door. Anyone can do that. But if you’re expecting someone to help you out after with assembly or should something go wrong, you’re going to be out of luck.” -Daniel Urbino

3. Plan For The Worst –

Nothing is guaranteed in life. That’s why Daniel Urbino plans for the worst with not only a Plan B, but a Plan C, D, etc.

“When I graduated college, it was right around 2008 with the whole financial crisis and the whole economy collapsed. So I’ve seen it myself … where I thought things were going great… And there weren’t any jobs. So I think nothing surprises me today in my personal life and my business life as well. ” -Daniel Urbino

Take the Ride1UP Pledge –

“I will replace 5 driving trips per month with my electric bike.”

Are you buying an e-bike for recreation or transportation?  If you pledge to replace more than 5 driving trips each month with your electric bike, then Ride1UP will reward you with a coupon for $40 off.



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