Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Sales Tales: Hustle, Humor, and Lessons | Mandi Graziano (Sales Coach) | DH116

September 29, 2021

Mandi Graziano has lots of Sales Tales and lessons to share after living the hustle herself.
Business and sales coach Mandi Graziano is our guest on this episode of the Digital Hospitality podcast, where she shared stories and lessons about sales, writing a business book, digital marketing, and much more.

Learn more about Mandi Graziano at

Mandi Graziano, author of Sales Tales
Mandi Graziano was an author her whole life; she just didn’t have the title.

Always carrying around a journal, Mandi kept track of her observations in her everyday personal life and her blossoming career in sales. While building relationships and crushing quotas, the dream remained alive of writing the next great fantasy book based on a fictional character crafted from her imagination.

However, a plot twist occurred: yes, Mandi was an author, but she was actually the hero in her own non-fiction story.
“I ended up writing a fun business book instead,” smiles Mandi Graziano on the Digital Hospitality podcast.
Mandi's first book, Sales Tales, tracks the trials and triumphs she has experienced in all her years on the job.


Hiring a writing coach and going through over 70 journal entries that detailed her clients, conversations and closings, she sought to bring the same sense of joy, curiosity and adventure she enjoyed in her personal reading to that of the often-dry business book world.
“I wrote it because I really wanted to disarm the stigma of sales,” admits Mandi Graziano. “I believe so deeply that we all need sales in every part of our life — our personal lives and our professional lives."
Professionally, this proves true for Mandi's peers who are incredibly acute analytically but may lack the messaging to sell themselves or their ideas.

“I have great friends that are inventors and they are awesome at engineering,” begins Mandi, “But they don't know how to make a pitch. I've got great friends that are really good at time management, but they don't know how to say no, set boundaries or make a presentation. So, I wrote Sales Tales with all these different people in mind.”

Just like a journal, Sales Tales is personal when it comes to revealing the details of Mandi's day from the real-life interactions to the vulnerable inner dialogue.

“I share all the stories,” notes Mandi. “I share stories from people that I've worked with that I admire, and I share stories about bad clients. It's all to be as much of a sales advocate as I possibly can, because we need it. We’ve got to get comfortable with it.”

More Stories and Lessons from Mandi Graziano:


This even includes stories about one of the most difficult parts of...
