Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Uplifter of Underdogs | Nelson Tressler (The Unlucky Sperm Club author) | DH083

February 19, 2021

Nelson Tressler wants to teach you how to create your own luck and become the best version of yourself with resourcefulness and rejecting a victim mindset.
Got excuses? 

Sure, you do. We all do. But how do your excuses stack up to that of entrepreneur and author Nelson Tressler?

“My mom became pregnant with me when she was 15 years old,” said Nelson Tressler on the Digital Hospitality podcast. "While she was pregnant, her father murdered a police officer."
“He was facing the death penalty and my mother testified that the reason he murdered the police officer was that the officer had raped her, and she was pregnant with me.”
Let that sink in.


So, are excuses like a poor night of sleep or a bad boss making you not reach your goals seem a little weak right now?

Listen to the full interview with Nelson L. Tressler at Cali BBQ Media or wherever you subscribe to podcasts.

What Nelson Tressler Teaches:

* Strategy to harness resourcefulness
There’s no such thing as “not enough resources.”
* Rejecting victim mindset and taking control
Being a victim may be easy, but being on top requires a different mindset.
* Creating the person you can be
The greatest version of yourself is inside of you, but it takes the right attitude to bring it to life.

Let’s let Nelson Tressler continue his story of being a member of "The Unlucky Sperm Club," an inspiring book about a harrowing story that teaches how not to become a victim of your circumstances, but instead, a product of your choices.

“My grandfather was found guilty and served the rest of his life behind bars,” shares Nelson. “Being the child of a 15-year-old mother, my life didn’t become any easier after that.”

You Can Overcome Pain:
For Nelson Tressler, life wasn’t easy and because of that, finding excuses could be plenty easy. As a kid born into extremely difficult circumstances, his life only got harder when he was physically and emotionally abused by his stepfather. Despite only being a child, he had to provide and take care of four younger siblings and failed the fourth grade because of it.

After failing the fourth grade, Nelson was placed in special education only to find out he was dyslexic. While he started getting help at school, life was no easier at home. His stepfather was killed by a drunk driver, which absolutely broke his mother and led her to attempting suicide. Thankfully unsuccessful in her attempt, it still caused the family to split up and led Nelson to live with his grandmother.

As most of us read this, not only are our excuses slipping away, our compassion for Nelson is only increasing. Fortunately, these hard times provided a springboard for a fresh start. Living with his grandmother, he was now privy to food and heat. Even more valuable, he was blessed with belief and encouragement.
“My grandmother told me every day, ‘Nelson, you’re going to make something out of your life,’” Nelson remembers. “She told me that so much that I started to believe it.”
Believe in himself he did. While life would still not be easy, he became the first person in his family to graduate college.
