Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Building a Better Food System with Digital Tools | Chelsea van Hooven (Choco App) | DH080

January 27, 2021

Chelsea van Hooven and Choco are here to change the world by helping build a better food system with technology.

Chelsea van Hooven is Global Industry Advisor for Choco, a digital ordering tool for restaurants and suppliers of all sizes.

The Choco team is looking to digitize the food system so that less food is wasted, and more people are fed. This makes a major mark on global hunger and helps the food industry long plagued by razor-thin margins.

The goal of Choco is to help food businesses:

* Save Time
* Save Money
* Save Food

Listen to our interview with Chelsea van Hooven on the Digital Hospitality podcast to learn more about her career, the future of the food system, and food supply chain startup Choco.

Let us know how we can help you on your own Digital Hospitality journey by emailing or sliding into our DMs on social media @calibbqmedia @calibbq @shawnpwalchef.
A Holistic Education on Food Production:
Since she was a kid, Chelsea’s skillset to change the world was being formed merely by merging two different worlds within her own home.
“I grew up with an American mom and a German dad in Germany,” recalls Chelsea van Hooven on the Digital Hospitality podcast. “So, my main task growing up was cultural translation for my parents.”
Throughout her youth, it’s fair to say Chelsea was doing as much teaching at home as she was learning at school. When it came time to attend university, Chelsea’s worldly upbringing in Germany led her across Europe for another masterclass on converging cultures.

“I studied food, culture, communication and marketing at the most beautiful university in the entire world, the University of Gastronomic Sciences in North Italy,” smiles Chelsea.

In Italy, Chelsea was schooled on slow food ideals, diving deep into the global movement of regional sustainable food production. This consciousness approach to creation and consumption shaped Chelsea’s views on the role food plays in this world, from feeding and flavor to economics and logistics.

“I had a holistic education on food and food production,” shares Chelsea. “I'm very passionate about anything that has to do with food production and restaurants.”

After an amazing Italian education, Chelsea returned to Germany to begin her career. While leaving school and entering the work world can be a burden for many – especially those with as enjoyable university experience as Chelsea – it instead propelled her to th...
