Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Spotify Playlist Challenge | Dave Palet and Josh Palet of JP25 Media | DH064

November 21, 2020

The first rule of the Spotify Playlist Challenge is you will share the Spotify Playlist Challenge.

Every week we try to help others become better digital storytellers. This challenge is a way to get someone who you care about to pick 10 Songs that matter to them and then publish that public playlist on Spotify.

Spotify Playlist Challenge Rules:

* You will talk and post about the #SpotifyPlaylistChallenge
* Pick someone you love and admire and ask them to create a public digital playlist on Spotify of 10 songs that are on the soundtrack to their life.
* Interview them about their music playlist using your smartphone, Zoom, etc. to record their answers digitally.
* Share what you learned about them and their music on the Internet, whether it’s a blog, podcast, or social media post.
* Ask your interview subject to nominate and interview someone else to take the challenge.
* Final rule is there are no rules to digitally storytelling except one: you must publish and share your story online.


We want you to spend an hour with someone you love and respect to talk with them about the 10 songs that are soundtrack to their lives.

We wanted to start this musical storytelling journey with friend, digital media all-star, and former Digital Hospitality podcast guest Dave Palet. The broadcasting veteran knows music as well as he knows sports and media.

Dave Palet and Josh Palet invited us to their JP25 Media studios to record this special Spotify Playlist Challenge episode. The father and son media team shared a lot with us about their musical interests, lives, careers, and more.

Dave Palet's Musical Journey:
Dave Palet has spent his life around music.

As an adult, he’s long served as one-half of the Dave and Jeff Show, talking shop about sports, life and their many intersections. As a child, his relationship with radio was less about talking and more about listening.

Stealing songs off Casey Kasem’s Top 40 countdown, a young Dave Palet would wait for hours on end to hear his favorite tune come on so he could make his own mixtape, ready to punch the record button on his cassette deck.

“You’d spend hours waiting for your song to come on,” Dave Palet recalls of his youth. “We wasted so much time trying to find music the way we wanted to hear it.”

As he grew, so did the way Dave Palet consumed music.
“The first cassette tape I bought was Michael Jackson Thriller, and I played the hell out of that,” Dave looks back. “I mean, it was crazy how many times I played that. When it jumped from tapes to CDs? It was such an eye opener.”
Advancements in audio have made sound clearer. They’ve also made life easier.
These days, you won’t find Dave thumbing through his CD binder trying to find The Best of Journey while weaving through California traffic. Instead, he’s streaming songs from his smartphone with services that span generations and save time.
Sure, Dave isn’t sitting by his radio ready to hit record any more,
