Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Done Is Better Than Perfect | The Mindset Doctor Justin Moseley | DH062

November 12, 2020

One day Dr. Justin Moseley asked himself: “If money wasn't an issue, what would I do?” Soon came an answer.

"The Mindset Doctor" Justin Moseley is our guest on the Digital Hospitality podcast where he shared his inspiring journey to impact lives and help others with health, personal development, and improved mindsets.

Dr. Justin Moseley is hosting The Power of Mindset Summit online from Nov. 18-22, 2020. The free virtual summit features expert speakers, including Cali BBQ Media founder Shawn Walchef, sharing their mindset strategies.

The Power of Mindset Summit promises to help you make the transition to the next level for your business without having to sacrifice your dreams.

Register online for free at:

Put Yourself Out There —
Making the most of his mindset mastery and the reach of digital content, Dr. Justin doubled down on his calling and hit it big with both bravery and consistency.

Doing the workday in and day out was not hard for Justin. Putting himself out there on the internet was.

“I am an extreme introvert,” shares Justin Moseley on Digital Hospitality. “One thing that I do coach people on is an identity shift, like creating this alter ego of yourself."

"For me, when I think of The Mindset Doctor, I think of how I want to show up. So, me, Justin Mosley, wants to sit here and read a book and not put myself out here and not be on video, but The Mindset Doctor wants to show up because he wants to impact lives.

"I think that's what people can do with their brand. Their brand can be their highest level of themselves. Then when they're wearing the brand and repping the brand, they show up as the best self they possibly can show up as. That's when they make a difference and make an impact with their business.”

So, if an extreme introvert can shift his mindset to help others shift their mindsets then what’s stopping you?

Stage fright, doubt, fear, laziness, lack of time. Yes, all legit quandaries. Thankfully, The Mindset Doctor has a solution for you.

“Do a challenge with yourself,” begins Justin Moseley. “Shoot a video of yourself for 30 straight days. You don't even have to publish, but it will give you the reps. What you'll notice is you're going to start to get so comfortable. You're going to look back like, ‘Man, what I said was actually really good! I should publish this!’”

Let us know what you learned from this episode and what you'd like to hear us talk about next. Email the Cali BBQ Media team at

Thank you for listening and learning with us every week.


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