Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Screw the Algorithm – Just Post | Mate Society Digital Marketing Agency | DH058

October 29, 2020

The best time to post to social media is yesterday — the next best time is now.

That's one of the many social media marketing and digital content creation lessons and insights that Mate's Samantha Trottier and Hernán Regiardo shared with us on this episode of the Digital Hospitality podcast.

“The best moment to do things is yesterday and the second-best moment is today,” says Hernán Regiardo while talking with Cali BBQ Media owner Shawn Walchef on Digital Hospitality.
“Our main approach is just to create content fast.”

Mate is a Digital Marketing and Content Creation Agency based in San Diego that helps businesses transform their digital marketing efforts with quality content and strong aesthetics.

The core crew of the Mate Society is made up of Hernán Regiardo, Samantha Trottier, and design and visual communication expert Horacio Torrent.

The Mate Society is also a bilingual agency that aligns with creatives and business-minded collaborators. The agency provides teams that are made of up handpicked experts in their expertise.

“Big agencies are dying because they became too big, have a ton of people to pay and everyone is scared of their asking price,” says Hernán on this podcast episode. “I think the future is freelancer, diverse and flexible.”

Some of the services that Mate offers include:

* SEO Strategy
* Paid Media
* Photography
* Infographics
* Video
* Copywriting
* Branding
* Website Building

When it comes to starting or growing a business online, Mate is high on the power, reach and resources that come from using Instagram for marketing.

“A lot of it is just about putting more content out there,” Samantha says. “It doesn’t have to be perfect because the more content you put out there the more you’ll get from it."

"Rather than spending so much time worrying or having fear that you won’t do the right thing on social media, the truth is there is no right thing!

"You just have to keep putting it out there and being consistent.”

While being consistent to many can mean posting every other hour on the hour every day, Samantha and Hernán don’t see it as being quite that calculated.

“Hernán was always someone who said, ‘Screw the algorithm, just post!’” laughs Samantha Trottier. “If it’s good quality content people are going to like it and they’re going to see the next one. Show the vision, show the voice and that’s what’s most important.”

The Mate Society Manifesto

* Soul Based
We add value giving soul and essence to brands by going deep into the culture to empower character.
* Diversity
Combining cultures and age gaps within our team creates high collaboration and unique perspectives.
* Insight Driven
Utilizing insights from data analytics to empower data-driven decision making.
