Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Repurposing Content to Build Online Communities | Business Coaching Call with David Meltzer | DH050

September 11, 2020

Be featured on the Digital Hospitality podcast. All you have to do is send us your best business strategies, tech tips, and other info to us

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Digital Hospitality | David Meltzer Coaching Call

Thank you for listening and learning with us on this special episode of Digital Hospitality. This is a repurposed podcast of a business coaching call that I had with my mentor, David Meltzer. Our conversation is actually about repurposing content and creating and publishing engaging digital content for businesses and brands.

We're going to start releasing some more of these special episodes of podcasts that I appear on so stay tuned to our podcast website to stay up to date on the world of Digital Hospitality. Please write us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Reach out anytime to

We hope you enjoy this business coaching conversation with David Meltzer. Watch or listen to another of my coaching sessions right now on Cali BBQ Media online:
Quotes from this Episode:
The Final Mile is Critical — [00:02:49] The last mile will always be face to face. It may be mask to mask, but it'll be face to face. The last mile is critical. It's always a place that with creativity, you can find and make money within the last mile.

Reality TV Resonates for a Reason — [00:11:54] Why do people watch Duck Dynasty? Because they want to experience what that's like. ... It's a whole other world. Through the process of doing what you do, you give somebody insight into the real emotional and pragmatic world that you live in. And that's how we learn the most. We're connected to each other.

Always Room for More — [00:21:57] They told me I was too late to the (podcast hosting) game because there I think there was 300,000 or something podcasts and there's a million five now and it's going to be 3 million next year. Yes, there's plenty of room. Trust me.

Connect With David Meltzer:
Visit to learn more about the mentor, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and friend.

► David Meltzer Instagram:
► David Meltzer Twitter:
► David Meltzer Facebook:
► David Meltzer LinkedIn:
► Text David Meltzer: 949-298-2905
Shawn Walchef: This is Inside the Coaching Call with Cali BBQ Media and my mentor, David Meltzer. I was first introduced to you when you were on a sports talk radio on the Mighty 1090 with Scott Kaplan.
