Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

The Advantage of Knowing Nothing | Glenn Parker (Sports Industry) | DH049

September 04, 2020

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Digital Hospitality featured Glenn Parker

Quotes from this episode:
Some Kernels Pop Later: [00:04:23] If you have a handful of popcorn, you shake it. Not every kernel pops at the same time. Some pop early and burn out. A whole bunch pop all about the same time. And a few pop right at the end. I was one of those last little kernels to pop. Everybody kind of popped and I was kind of pudgy and short and immature and I just wasn't ready to play.

Don't Assume Anything: [00:13:12] Great teachers start at the beginning and don't assume their student knows anything. They don't assume anything. So it's up to the student to say, I know nothing. It's also up to the teacher to understand that this kid might have played a lot of football. This kid might have been a great line cook at another restaurant, but he knows nothing about what we do and the reasons we do it.

Look for the Positive: [00:31:51] You can't dwell on it, you know. That's it. It's like dwelling on a bug that's flattened on the front of your Lamborghini. Don't you want to dwell on the Lamborghini? You know, it's a scratch. It's nothing. Move on. People make too much of a body of work that isn't near perfect when it's that close. And I have too many good memories to let that happen.

The Value of Sports: [00:42:06] You want your kids exposed to as many sports as possible because you learn so many things from your coaches that you might never learn in the classroom. You learn the camaraderie. You learn how to hustle. You learn to be on time. There's so many different things that are the value of sports.

Podcasting Reach: [00:46:49] It's not about how many people are listening. It's the people that are listening.
Related Links to Click:

* Glenn Parker Wikipedia
* Glenn Parker Twitter
* Glenn Parker LinkedIn
* Glenn Parker NFL Career Stats


Glenn Parker has a resume and story few can match.
Spotted playing pickup basketball during his days as a bouncer, the 6-foot 5 athletic man was a late-bloomer just having fun and getting some exercise. To a nearby football coach, Glenn Parker was destined to hit the gridiron even if he’d never played a down in high school.

The rest? Well as they say it was history.
“I went to the Super Bowl my first four years in the NFL,” says the mountain of a man who's now retired from both bouncing and playing football.
Glenn Parker was a guest on the Digital Hospitality podcast where he talked with host Shawn Walchef about his fascinating history in the sports industry, career evolution, and his growth mindset.

Learning the game of football in junior college and rising in the ranks as a prospect at the University of Arizon...
