Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

How to Avoid Burnout with Scaling Systems and Personalized Automation | Ravi Abuvala | DH044

July 30, 2020

Ravi Abuvala has a challenge for any aspiring entrepreneur, but only if you choose to accept.

“If you're saying that you don't have the time to build a personal brand, actually clock how much time you're looking at other people's personal brands,” Ravi Abuvala said. “Clock how much time that you're on Instagram, you're on Facebook and you're on YouTube.”

Lots of time adds up when you jot down the minutes, perhaps hours, you spend each day scrolling, watching and liking other people’s personal brands on your favorite platforms.

Here’s what you can do now instead with that time.

“Start becoming a producer over a consumer,” Ravi Abuvala said in a conversation with host Shawn Walchef on the Digital Hospitality podcast.

Learn more about the steps it took for Ravi Abuvala's Scaling With Systems to scale two companies to seven figures in a free training course at

How to Avoid Burnout

Every entrepreneur has to hustle. But eventually you have to have systems in place to take over and take you to the next level.

If not, you risk hustling forever and experiencing burnout. Systems allow entrepreneurs to let virtual assistants, automation and the idea steer the business, thus giving the owners the opportunity to invest in a personal connection with their community and build their brand.

“The majority of things are pretty mundane if you're the business owner,” Ravi Abuvala notes.

By bringing in systems, you can free yourself up from the boring to revive and redirect your hustle.
“You're not drained,” says Ravi Abuvala on bringing in systems and automation into your business. “You have so much more energy.”
As much of the world is at a standstill in 2020, the opportunity is high to begin creating your own content to build your own brand instead of aimlessly looking at those of others.

This pivot from consuming to producing might seem obvious, it might even seem harsh. However, Ravi has the credit to encourage it.

Why? He did it himself.

Finding Inspiration for a New Career

Ravi Abuvala's early career goal was to be a lawyer, something his parents told him was the right thing to do. It wasn't his path.

“After I graduated college, I'd worked for the governor of Florida and I started getting a taste that maybe law and politics isn’t for me,” Ravi said.

After a life of studying for law and excelling at undergrad, he was beginning to have his doubts. Around that same time, Ravi's father became ill and suddenly he was surrounded with the reality that life is not promised.

While taking care of his father and studying for the LSAT, it became clear that Ravi was capable of going to law school, but it wasn’t his dream.

“I just decided, you know what? This isn't for me,” says Ravi.
“I got hit by a Ty Lopez ad about making money online and I was like, you know what? Let me just give this a whirl.”
Ditching a life of law school expectations and taking a chance on online entrepreneurship, Ravi began building businesses on the internet.

Early on there were valleys, but eventually the peaks proved worth it.

“I had an advertising agency and when we launched scalable systems,
