Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Build a Website Like a Home | Kyle Pflueger of Mithril Media | DH036

June 04, 2020

Imagine you're buying a new home. You want a safe space for your family and friends with all the amenities. You’d want that home to be a welcoming representation for all you stand for when others visit.

Cali BBQ Media’s web guru Kyle Pflueger builds “homes” for businesses. They just happen to be online.

Dubbed a “Navy SEAL for websites" by Digital Hospitality host Shawn Walchef, Kyle Pflueger of Mithril Media has been sent on missions to build online homes for businesses in San Diego and elsewhere.

Over the course of his career, Kyle has been busy creating luxury homes with rooms for content, commerce, and community.

A booming business? For sure. However, it was through fandom and friendship that Kyle joined the Cali BBQ Media Team when he met Shawn Walchef through our pals at the Dave & Jeff Podcast.

“As Dave and Jeff embarked in the podcast realm, they realized that they needed a more serious website,” says Kyle Pflueger about being a longtime listener of the Dave & Jeff Show on this episode of Digital Hospitality.

“Something that would help people take them seriously, something that would help their podcast grow and give them a platform where they could publish their content and put their voices out there."

Dave and Jeff needed a home builder.

As it turned out, the man with the plan was a fan.

“I put myself out there and sent an email to both of them,” Kyle reflects on reaching out to the radio stars. “And I sent a DM on Twitter. After a couple of messages, I finally heard back.”

Talking to people you’ve never met can be daunting. Talking to ones you admire and are looking to do business with adds an extra layer of pressure that can be too much for most.

Not Kyle.
“I explained to Dave and Jeff how much I appreciated the entertainment that they provide,” Kyle says. “And how much I appreciate their voice and them as human beings and the good that they do. We reached an agreement and things sort of took off from there.”
Suddenly, Dave and Jeff had the man to build their new home on the world wide web.

“I took care of building their website which is still going strong to this day,” Kyle says proudly. “They've become family that I cherish dearly. They've been instrumental in my own growth as a business owner, but more importantly than that they’re people that I can call anytime if I need something or I've got something worth celebrating. They’re people I want to celebrate with, the people that I want to rely on me.”

It all started over a DM, but it didn’t happen overnight.

“I really got started with websites through a full-time job 10 to 12 years ago,” Kyle looks back. “That was my first taste of the digital world.”

A side hustle of sorts, Kyle used his free time to invest in what would ultimately become a primary source of income.

“I started exploring my own design capabilities,” Kyle reflects on the Digital Hospitality podcast. “That's where I really started to hone the craft.”

At the beginning, money was never the pursuit. Creating websites was purely about passion.

“The first website I built was a music review blog,” Kyle says. “I built it for myself and a couple of buddies that I worked with at the t...
