Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Humans are the Heart of Technology | Qu Beyond POS | DH032

May 07, 2020

Your cellphone: the portal to people, information, and food. Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, cellphones have become the go-to place for to-go orders due to social distancing.

Ordering online is not just the now, it’s the future.

The team of innovators at Qu Beyond POS are reimagining point of sale technology. They know digital dining as more than just a buzzing trend.

“You have so many brands that are emerging as partly digital or completely digital,” said account Qu Beyond account executive Cristal Ghitman on this episode of Digital Hospitality. “In order to facilitate that, you need technology that enables that.”

Existing online as a restaurant is exactly what Qu Beyond is enabling. Offering technology that connects restaurants to customers in smooth fashion with extreme integrity, Qu Beyond is changing the game.

“Point of sale is no longer the cashier at the counter,” Cristal said. “It’s really about having a platform that allows you to take payment and lets you maintain your brand over multiple channels. What I found so incredibly compelling about Qu is that we’re reimagining the way that point of sale interacts with transactions and customers in our space and it’s really different.”
The Heart of Tech
Automated ordering and third-party delivery technology can come off as more automated and less personal. At Qu Beyond, they realize it doesn’t have to be that way.

“We’re incredibly human,” Cristal notes of the Qu Beyond team. “My executive leadership is some of the smartest I’ve ever seen in the business. We have hardcore restaurant DNA and hardcore tech DNA. We’re on a pilgrimage at Qu. Our team is thoughtful, smart, disruptive and not looking to do things that have already been done. But at the end of their day they’re human.”

“The way they’re giving back to first responders during this crisis? I could not be prouder to work for this company.”

So, just how is Qu Beyond giving back in this time of need? It started with tough questions and it led to smart solutions.

“A few weeks ago, the crisis hit, and sales stopped. I think we all had a hard stop and asked, ‘What can we do to get through the next few weeks and what can we do in the long term to respond to the changing needs of the business?’” Cristal says. “We looked at our technology and realized we have this incredibly nimble, agile, easy to use technology. We developed free online ordering for companies and brands who do not have it.”

But it didn’t stop there.

“The second thing we wanted to do was bridge driving revenue to restaurants and helping the first responders who are near and dear to everyone’s hearts right now,” Cristal shares. “We saw so many restaurants that were digging into their own pockets to donate food even when they were suffering. But then, there’s so many people out there who want to help. So, we developed Feed the First Responders as a humanitarian effort to connect restaurants with organizations that are first responders so people like myself can go onto our website, place an order and choose which first responders we want that meal sent to. All their cafeterias are closed, their working 18-hour days and these guys just want food. They’re so, so appreciative.”

Want to get in on feeding the first responders? Visit and get involved.

“The more the merrier to anyone who is listening to this podcast! We are very open to bringing as many brands on as possible and feeding as many first responders as possible! Our technology is fast,
