Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: Business Travel Hacks You Should Know

September 03, 2024

As the world begins to settle back into its norm post pandemic, business travel is back in full swing. For the participants in a recent Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room hosted by Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media, travel, both business and personal, comes with rituals and “aha moments” that they have implemented into their adventures.

Listen to the replay of the latest room where the participants shared tips and strategies for effective business travel and follow Cali BBQ Media to keep up with the latest and join the rooms to tell your story and have your voice heard

Every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PDT, Walchef hosts the Rising Tide room on LinkedIn. Leading voices in hospitality, and otherwise, from near and far join to discuss all things business and much more. 

Key Quotes:

“I highly encourage using your smartphone like a brain while I’m traveling to help me with logistics.” – Shawn Walchef

“You can build your own Google Maps side of things…list of places that he wanted to visit, like around the conference area.” – Elizabeth Doss

“Have a consistent list of all the things you don’t want to forget or that you need, and then use the damn list.” – Troy Hooper

“Hands down, the best thing I’ve ever done from a travel standpoint was the TSA Precheck.” – Charlie Eblen

“Business meals are 50% tax deductible.” – Douglas Higgins