Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: Building the Best Business Website

July 18, 2024

In a recent LinkedIn Live Room hosted by Shawn Walchef. The participants discussed the importance of an effective website in the increasingly digital business landscape. 

Listen to the replay of the latest room where the participants discussed tips, tricks, and important considerations to make a business website as effective as possible. Follow Cali BBQ Media to keep up with the latest and join the rooms to tell your story and have your voice heard

Every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PDT, Shawn Walchef hosts the Rising Tide live room on LinkedIn. Leading voices in hospitality, and otherwise, from near and far join to discuss all things business and much more.

Key Quotes:

“We specialize in websites and in terms of what we believe, we believe websites should be mobile first. We believe they should be accessible, and we believe they should be sexy.” -Kyle Pflueger

“We love storytelling, and there’s no better place to tell a story than on a website.” –Shawn Walchef

“You should ask other people in your business that have websites like yours. What are people looking for? Why are they coming to the site? And make that as accessible with as few clicks as possible.” –Troy Hooper

“Just know that what your website is today is not what it has to be, and it’s going to evolve.” –Jordan Silverman

So track the data and let the data guide you down the path to what’s actually working best for your website.” –Justin Ulrich