Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: How to be a Better Podcast Guest

July 10, 2024

The Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room is filled with show hosts and guests. In this important conversation, the participants discussed how to ensure that a podcast appearance is beneficial for the guest.

​​Listen to the replay of the latest room where the participants discussed how to be a better podcast host and follow Cali BBQ Media to keep up with the latest and join the rooms to tell your story and have your voice heard

Every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PDT, Shawn Walchef hosts the Rising Tide live room on LinkedIn. Leading voices in hospitality, and otherwise, from near and far join to discuss all things business and much more. 

Key Quotes:

“Listen in advance, and then on the show, listen to the question that the host is asking you.” –Mandi Graziano

Look at who the listener is, because one of the things I’ve learned, studying business, biology, sociology, et cetera, over the years is people tend to only listen or hear the things they care about.” –Michael Ungaro

“Try to match your energy with that of your host.” –Chris Munz

“In that preparation vein, it’s finding out the why. Why are you on the show? Why did they ask you to come on the show?” –Shawn Walchef
“Having your media kit ready. So a good photo, your website, or a link to the book that you’re talking about, or having those things already ready and sent to the producer so they can add them to the show notes.” –Elizabeth Doss
