Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: How to Communicate Better Digitally

June 26, 2024

In last week’s Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room, the participants discussed How to Communicate Better Digitally. The crew was joined by Ovation Founder, motivational speaker, author, podcast host, and all around entrepreneur guru, Zack Oates where he gave invaluable tools for growth and communication.

Listen to the replay of the latest room where the participants discussed tip and tools on communicating your brand mission and follow Cali BBQ Media to keep up with the latest and join the rooms to tell your story and have your voice heard
Every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PDT, Shawn Walchef hosts the Rising Tide live room on LinkedIn. Leading voices in hospitality, and otherwise, from near and far join to discuss all things business and much more.

Key Quotes from Zack Oates

“Everyone believes that they are innately important because they are.”

“So when someone’s commenting or sharing or doing a reaction that isn’t just a thumbs up, like if they’re doing something thoughtful, anything like that, people will engage with it more.”

“I think that it’s no longer just like, hiring that PR firm and putting it out there, but it’s a lot of, like, the boots on the ground stuff.”

“It really does matter when people comment.”

“A really important tool for digital creation is just use what works. You don’t need to always reinvent things.”

Cali BBQ Media

Digital Hospitality is an interview-based video podcast hosted by business owner Shawn P. Walchef (@shawnpwalchef) and produced by his Cali BBQ Media company sponsored by DAVO Sales Tax (@davosalestax) and Marqii (@getmarqii) The weekly digital series explores the ways successful businesses and entrepreneurs have merged old and new with innovative digital strategies that harness the power of the Internet and social media. Shawn is the founder of Cali BBQ Media and creator of the Restaurant Influencers podcast on Entrepreneur Media.

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