Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: When to Make the Leap

June 05, 2024

Last week, the participants of the Rising Tides LinkedIn Live room hosted by Cali BBQ Media discussed their personal entrepreneurship journeys.

What they all discovered was the winding roads that have endured, led to the points they are at currently.

There were stories shared and inspiration available in spades. 

Take a listen to this week’s replay and join today’s conversation at 10:00 AM PST live on LinkedIn.

Key Quotes:

“No training is wasted.” –Elizabeth Doss

“The more you talk about what you believe in and what I have found is there are a lot of people who. Who align, but just not a lot of people like to, or are comfortable in kind of putting themselves out there.” –Stover Hargar

“If you never do anything, then you’ll never do anything.” –TJ Void

“And as visionaries and as leaders and as entrepreneurs, the story we tell ourselves is the one that has to come first, because that’s the story that they’re going to pick up on and how you’re going to inspire them to follow you and get through the bad times.” –Michael Ungaro

“The more you talk about what you believe in and what I have found is there are a lot of people who align.” –Mike LaRue

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live

Every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PDT, Shawn Walchef hosts the Rising Tide live room on LinkedIn. Leading voices in hospitality, and otherwise, from near and far join to discuss all things business and much more.
