Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: Stories from The National Restaurant Association Show 2024

May 23, 2024

Many of the Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room regulars took to the road to converge on the National Restaurant Association Show 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. The annual trade show brings together the best and brightest in the hospitality industry to learn, network, and build.

A previous Rising Tide Room discussed best practices as it pertains to attending industry events large or small, but after being a part one of the largest restaurant shows, participants returned home with amazing stories. 

In yesterday’s LinkedIn Room, they shared these stories, which included landing face time with the great Robert Irvine!

Listen to the replay of yesterday’s conversations, and be sure to join us every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PST.

Key Quotes:

“Energy is a hell of an awesome currency, and I loved trading currency with a lot of these people in the room at the show, magical energy is a currency.” – Jason Berkowitz

“One of my key learnings from it was just realizing even more so that people buy from people, they don’t buy from companies.” – Justin Ulrich

“until you speak those stories and share those stories, people make up their own story. And if you don’t control your story, someone else will control it for you.” – Michael Unargo

“Tell people what you want. Tell this community what you need. Tell people what you’re working on. Tell people your ideas for whatever the fuck it is. Because we want to help.” – Troy Hooper

“It’s amazing how showing up every day does that. So show up, raise your hands high, put everything you can into it every single day, and you will be absolutely amazed at where you’re going to be.”  – Charlie Eblen
