Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live: Persistence and Patience in Business

May 16, 2024

Just keep going.

That adage has one that speaks to the persistence necessary to find success in life.

In this week’s Rising Tide LinkedIn Live room by Cali BBQ Media, participants discussed stories and lessons learned surrounding the idea of persistence in business. What transpired was an inspiring conversation and the sharing of impactful stories from hospitality industry leaders.

Take a listen to the replay and be sure to join us on Fridays and Wednesdays at 10am Pacific Standard Time for more insightful storytelling.

Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room Friday, May 17:

Key Quotes:

“Be your authentic self. Give without expectation, and the results will, but they will always take longer. The opportunities that go away will come back. Better opportunities will replace them 100% of the time. You will be rewarded ten fold. Whatever you think the opportunity is today, it will come to you.” -Troy Hooper, Hot Pallette America

“Stop praying for as fast as possible and start praying for as long as it takes. It’s another one of my favorite quotes. I think the persistence part is, I will not lose if I do not quit. I will not lose if I do not quit.” –Shawn Walchef, Cali BBQ Media

“The answer is no if you don’t ask.” –Laura Wilber, Dinova

“The idea of patience and resilience and good things who come to those who wait is something that we probably don’t talk about enough. And I think it’s a brilliant expression.” –Richard Liveran, Richer Solutions
“Focus on momentum, not results. Just make sure you’re moving in the right direction. The results will come.” –Jordan Silverman, Starfish
