Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Persistence and Innovation Led to Gary Campbell and WineView’s Thriving Partnership with Toast

May 07, 2024

Gary Campbell, the CEO and Co-Founder of WineView, credits persistence and storytelling for his company’s burgeoning partnership with Toast. He understood the importance of knowing his market inside out, especially when it came to earning the major partnership. 

“You pretty much got to get in person.” he says to show host Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media. “You have to have a unique value prop.” 

Which is exactly what Campbell has with the WineView app, a dual beneficial technology piece that gives guests the power to pick wine quickly and confidently, and helps teach restaurant staff how to sell their wine, recognize upselling opportunities and build confidence.

Campbell’s journey to securing the partnership with Toast was a testament to his perseverance and belief in his product. 

“The story of how we got there is really awesome, but it’s a lot of persistence,” expressed Campbell.

Cali BBQ Media

Digital Hospitality is an interview-based video podcast hosted by business owner Shawn P. Walchef (@shawnpwalchef) and produced by his Cali BBQ Media company sponsored by DAVO Sales Tax (@davosalestax) and Marqii (@getmarqii) The weekly digital series explores the ways successful businesses and entrepreneurs have merged old and new with innovative digital strategies that harness the power of the Internet and social media. Shawn is the founder of Cali BBQ Media and creator of the Restaurant Influencers podcast on Entrepreneur Media.
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