Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

“No BS PR”: Redefining PR with Authenticity with Gigi Peterkin of Amplify PR

February 05, 2024

In the world of Public Relations, Gigi Peterkin, founder of Amplify PR, is a trailblazer reshaping the narrative. Fueled by a desire for authenticity, she founded the firm to counter the prevalent practice of crafting stories for those with deep pockets, whether genuine or not.

“We do what we call no bullshit PR.” expresses Peterkin to host Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media. “So we’re really clear with our clients, if you’re looking for bullshit, there’s a million other agencies out there that will give you all the bullshit spin and will spin you to get you where you think you need to be. But that’s not us.”

Adapting to the changing digital landscape, Peterkin seamlessly incorporates real-life lessons into online platforms, notably Twitter. Viewing it as a digital dinner party, she emphasizes the importance of genuine conversation, a principle she instills in her team.

“It’s taking all of those non-digital lessons and applying them to that platform to build these connections that have spanned continents and decades and put me in some really fun and interesting positions and allowed me to help some people out.” Peterkin shares. “Twitter was like a dinner party, and you could just go and find yourself sitting next to the most interesting people, but you’re sitting next to people and having a conversation.”

Six months into launching Amplify PR, the pandemic led Peterkin to Clubhouse, which she describes as a virtual town square and where she discovered a thriving community that became a pivotal source of clients, showcasing the power of digital connections. Looking forward, Peterkin aims to expand her collaborative network, recognizing the invaluable contributions of like-minded individuals in navigating the dynamic landscape of PR.

“I wish I had more collaborators in the beginning, and I’m looking to bring more collaborators on now,” remarks Peterkin on embracing the digital age.

Amplify PR’s journey continues, grounded in authenticity, digital adaptability, and the strength of genuine connections.

Interview Takeaways:
  1. Authentic PR: No BS – There are a ton of misconceptions about PR and exactly what it is. For GiGi Peterkin, she ensures that clients of Amplify know what they are getting from the beginning.
  2. Building Connections on Digital Platforms – Gigi Peterkin has been in Public Relations long enough to have seen the landscape change. For Peterkin, being able to apply lessons learned from real life experience have also been employed online to capitalize on digital platforms, like Twitter.
  3. Embracing Digital Collaborations – Six months into the company launch for Amplify PR, the world shut down. That forced Gigi Peterkin, like everyone else, online. Fortunately, she found a community on Clubhouse that has afforded her new relationships and business opportunities.

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