Developer Tea

Developer Tea

Latest Episodes

Better Goals - Finding Cohesion Between Your Long and Short Term Goals
October 12, 2022

Our goals usually take two forms: what we want to accomplish, and who we want to be.When we can align these things, we find cohesion in our goals, giving us more clarity and purpose.

Better Goals - Two Guidelines for Better Outcomes
October 10, 2022

Two guidelines for better goal setting.First, goals don't stand alone.Second, ranges often beat arbitrary points.

5 Powerful Questions To Design Your Time More Effectively
October 05, 2022

Stop and think about how you are spending your time.Time is constantly moving, whether we stop to recognize it or not. How will you spend it? These five powerful questions will help you reconfigure

Short Term Tactics, Long Term Principles
October 04, 2022

A short term mindset will focus on different things than a long term mindset. Neither is right or wrong, but what are you optimizing for?Once you answer this question, you can start to work towards

Revolutionize Your Most Important Meetings with Powerful Questions
September 28, 2022

Your best tool is your next question.

Diffuse and Focused Thinking
September 26, 2022

Diffuse thinking produces options and draws connections. Focused thinking narrows things down to a specific path.Use them both, and watch for when they collide.

Why It's Hard to Do Nothing
September 21, 2022

Doing nothing seems like it would be easy... But it seems that action is often easier than doing nothing. Sometimes, perhaps often, action is the right choice. However, if there is no reason to belie

Demystifying Decision-Making - Success is Not Just About Making Good Decisions
September 19, 2022

You are not the sum of your decisions. Making better decisions often relies on having a long list of mistakes to learn from.

What You Have In Common With the Smartest Person In the World
September 15, 2022

How does the smartest person in the world solve the most complex problems that most mathemeticians can't even understand? The same way you write code and build features at your job. The principles al

A Way Out of Overwhelm
September 12, 2022

Choose one thing. Only one important thing. Do that over and over. That's your way out of overwhelm.