Developer Tea

Developer Tea

Latest Episodes

Using Observational Techniques to Find Your Personal Values
November 16, 2022

Determining your values isn't just about fluff. This is what you personally care about.In this episode, we talk about two ways to use direct observation as a tool for determining your values, and wh

Avoid Defining Success Outside Your Locus of Control
November 14, 2022

Focus on what you can control. Create incentives and language and internal narrative that produces the right actions within your locus of control. Avoid attaching your definition of success to things

The Toxic Laziness of Overwork Culture
November 10, 2022

Don't buy in to the lie that you have to overwork to succeed. Not only is it not true, it's also dangerous - and the opposite is more accurate.

Start With Precise Communication
November 07, 2022

In today's episode, I provide a simple coaching tip on improved communication for software engineers. It's simple: always make precision explicit, and layer context. Start with precision, then create

The Error of Discounting the Unexpected
November 02, 2022

We don't think about the unexpected as a category of possible outcomes. This leads us to assign overestimated probabilities to things that are front of mind, and discount the likelihood of things we d

Looking at What Wasn't Done
October 31, 2022

Look closer at the things that don't happen. Evaluate the options you never considered. When you are looking back, don't just judge based on actions and outcomes - look at the quality of decisions thr

Success is Born From Luck and Action
October 26, 2022

You can't wait for luck to strike, but you also won't always get what you deserve. Both of these are true - so, go make luck happen for you!

Build Environments That Produce Habits
October 24, 2022

Habits aren't built on their own. They are the result of environments.Reduce friction and create a positive reinforcement loop, and the habits will follow.

Design Your Low Stakes Environment As A Mirror of Your High Stakes Environment
October 20, 2022

What happens in high-stakes environments?Is the learning you do in your low-stakes environment actually helping you when you have skin in the game?

Better Goals - Deriving Values from Personal Investment and Risk Tolerance
October 18, 2022

Having trouble setting goals? Take a look at a different angle with the guided exercise in today's episode.