Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Latest Episodes

Malcolm Turnbull on the NBN Telstra/Optus Deals and Beyond
December 17, 2014

The definitive agreement between NBNCo and Telstra means the government gets a lot of fixed line assets to help fast-track its national network, but with wireless innovation could Telstra become the NBN's biggest competitor?

The risk of reaching the last three percent
December 11, 2014

There are few things that Labor and the Coalition agree on – one is that satellite is the only way to provide broadband access to the most far-flung Aussie residents. But launching satellites is a tricky business, will NBN Co pull it off?

Is the USO an expensive irrelevance?
December 04, 2014

Irrespective of who your provider is you pay Telstra, through your telco, to provide phone access across the country. When NBNCo provides the infrastructure everywhere, you'll still be paying that money to Telstra. Go figure!

Doesn't a 2030 Vision Need Fibre?
November 27, 2014

A consortium of interests is staging a convention early in the new year to talk about the future of communications in Australia, establishing a vision for 2030. Surely, that far out, we'd assume a fibre is assumed to reach the majority of premises.

Are Three NBNs Better Than One?
November 20, 2014

The Vertigan Review recommended NBNCo be split into three, to create infrastructure competition. Would it help things along, or just be another destraction?

The Metadata Bonanza
November 11, 2014

Two years of metadata could be great news for lots of people – not just law enforcement agencies, but for courts wanting to subpoena evidence – even content owners wanting to trace potential copyright infringers.

The Nitty Gritty of the MetaData Bill
November 05, 2014

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been quick to point out that the intent of metadata legislation is to collect phone data records and a user’s session IP addresses. Yet the wording of the Bill tabled in Parliament last week seems to suggest

Software is the Future, Are We Ready
October 30, 2014

Telcos made money from voice, SMS and data. How do they stand when it comes from capitalising on the next big wave – digital services.

Bill Morrow with NBN's reality check
October 23, 2014

Bill Morrow has to deliver broadband to every home in Australia by 2021, with a minimum service level and a guaranteed rate of return, without extending the government’s equity commitment beyond $29.5 billion. Can he do it? Well, he needs to spend more

Are Data Retention Laws Imminent?
October 16, 2014

At last week’s CommsDay Congress in Melbourne Greens senator Scott Ludlam warned that data retention legislation to be tabled in Parliament as early as this month.