Cross Talk

Cross Talk

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The Wireless Winners
October 10, 2014

This week's CrossTalk comes from the CommsDay Melbourne Congress, where CommsDay and P3 Communications announced the winner of the inaugural Australian mobile benchmark study.

Jason Clare: Still the fibre purist
October 02, 2014

Jason Clare, shadow communications minister, is still convinced fibre to the home is the best technology for NBNCo to be rolling out. He says the Liberal approach is not focused on the future and it is tying one hand behind our back.

Mobile termination rates: distorted by fixed line callers?
September 26, 2014

The ACCC has asked the industry to comment on proposed changes to the rate carriers charge each other to complete calls on their mobile networks – and the methodology used to arrive at that price. Whilst all carriers agree the price charged should refle

Complaints Down. Time to Ease Regulation?
September 19, 2014

The TIO annual report came out this week with big drops in consumer complaints, largely thanks to mobile network improvements. Does this mean the industry should face less scrutiny from the regulator?

Turnbull: The NBN is still a risky undertaking
September 12, 2014

On Friday the Communications Alliance staged a workshop to discuss the latest recommendations from the Vertigan Review. Although there weren’t too many surprises – infact, none – it was a useful discussion for taking stock of the issues currently on

Video Collaboration: Why is it slow to take off?
September 04, 2014

Peter Ulander, Cisco’s VP of Collaboration, says he recently saw AT&T’s first video phone. It was about 50 years old. Today many of us have the capability to make video calls and join conferences, but we don’t, why?

Thoughts on Vertigan’s NBN Cost Benefit Analysis
August 28, 2014

The cost-benefit analysis on the NBN has highlighted that, beyond a certain speed, there are no incremental benefits derived from faster broadband. The assumptions on that speed, plus those around people’s willingness to pay, are central to the findi

Metadata - what to keep
August 22, 2014

The government’s plans for compulsory data retention has opened a can of worms. Exactly what metadata should be retained?

What is the Internet of Everything, anyway?
August 18, 2014

Cisco’s Ken Boal describes the Internet of Everything (IoE) as the “next grand era of the internet”. So, what exactly is it?

Mobile Termination: Is The Best Rate Zero?
August 07, 2014

This week the ACCC launched an inquiry into the wholesale pricing for mobile termination, releasing a discussion paper and inviting industry submissions. Should prices be lower? How should they be calculated?