Art Unknown Podcast

Art Unknown Podcast

Ep42 Zialand

May 04, 2021

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"At the end of the day, art is what connects us to our souls." - Zialand
Beguiling, sultry and hypnotic are three words that describe equally Zialand's music and her captivating beauty. She is a Norwegian powerhouse who set off in search of her musical dreams at the tender age of nineteen. Landing in Los Angeles, Zia quickly made waves with her angelic voice and her "I can do anything" attitude. After enduring the trauma of an extremely bad relationship, Zia came out stronger than ever and emerged fully formed with her release Unbridled and Ablaze. Some 6 years later, Zia has chosen to reinvent herself yet again and is shedding her sultry skin for "glitchy and jagged and dirty and grimy". We have it all in an Art Unknown Podcast exclusive! Have a listen and prepare yourself.
When you are finished with the episode we invite you to check out the Art Unknown Store at There you'll find art-infused activewear and accessories from an ever-growing list of Art Unknown Podcast Artists.

images from Zialand - used with permission
zialand website
zialand instagram
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