CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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House impeachment advocates gain traction
May 24, 2019

Democrat Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who sits on the House Judiciary Committee that would lead an impeachment inquiry, says he believes President Donald Trump has committed high crimes, both in obstructing Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller's...

Lawmakers seek solutions in Venezuela, Iran
May 17, 2019

Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell criticizes President Trump's strategy to oust Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro and touts a broad-based, multi-national diplomatic campaign as an alternative. And CQ Roll...

Higher tariffs on Chinese goods spark call for Congress to intervene
May 10, 2019

The continuing damage to businesses and farmers from the trade stand off between China and the U.S. is a sign that Congress needs to reinsert itself into the trade policy-making process again, argues Clark Packard, a trade policy counsel at the R...

Why Democrats haven't passed a minimum wage bill
May 03, 2019

Democratic presidential candidates and most House Democrats want to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2024, a proposal David Cooper of the Economic Policy Institute says makes sense. But CQ Roll...

The GOP's 2020 Agenda, or Lack Thereof
April 26, 2019

Jonathan Miller talks about his new CQ Magazine cover story on the Republicans' decision, thus far, to ignore policy proposals in their 2020 planning. Miller found this worries some lawmakers, like Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, who'd like to see the...

Mueller Report's Second Act: Congressional Scrutiny
April 18, 2019

CQ legal affairs reporter Todd Ruger says House Democrats now have plenty of leads from Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III's report to investigate, especially as to whether Trump sought to obstruct justice.  

Assessing the New Tax Law as April 15 Arrives
April 12, 2019

Taxes are due on April 15 and Americans are finding out how the 2017 law affected them. Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan think tank, and Peter Cohn, CQ's tax editor, discuss how the law has played out for both...

How Congress Helps Companies Hire Foreign Workers Over Americans
April 05, 2019

Under pressure from a bipartisan group of senators, the Homeland Security Department last month increased the number of visas available for foreign guest workers seeking to toil in America's seasonal industries, from seafood processing to resort...

Why Progressives Are Ready to Ditch Obamacare
March 29, 2019

The 2010 health care law has left tens of millions uninsured, leading to a groundswell of support from the left for a single-payer system, or "Medicare for All." CQ health care reporter Mary Ellen McIntire explains why progressives are ready to move...

Big Tech's Breakup With Democrats
March 22, 2019

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, but especially Democrats, are saying that the government should intervene to rein in, or even break up, tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook. CQ technology reporter Dean DeChiaro says an antitrust action...