CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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Obamacare takes another hit, this time from Democrats
August 02, 2019

Democrats were nearly unanimous in voting to end the so-called "Cadillac tax" on high cost health insurance plans that was the principal mechanism in the Affordable Care Act aimed at reducing health care costs. Josh Gordon, policy director...

Why the US is behind in the 5G race
July 26, 2019

Poor allocation of airwaves and the absence of a domestic telecom supplier could delay U.S. mobile carriers from deploying 5G as effectively as some other countries and thus cede leadership to China, says CQ Roll Call's senior technology reporter...

Did the Pentagon weaponize ticks?
July 19, 2019

The House passed a bill this month that would order the Pentagon's inspector general to investigate whether the Defense Department weaponized ticks. Stanford University science writer Kris Newby, in a new book called "Bitten," hints...

Immigrant raids could lead to more family separations
July 12, 2019

The Trump administration says it will round up undocumented immigrants who have missed a court date in an effort to deter others migrants from seeking refuge in the United States. But raids could exacerbate family separations, report CQ Roll Call’s...

Assessing the trade talks with China
July 05, 2019

In this episode of CQ on Congress, former U.S. trade negotiator Wendy Cutler explains what each side of the U.S.-China trade talks is looking to gain. Then trade economist Christine McDaniel walks us through how some U.S. companies are coping with the...

How the GOP won by losing on census citizenship question
June 28, 2019

 GOP-held states with growing immigrant populations, Texas, Florida and Arizona, are more likely to gain House seats following the 2020 Census, as well as additional federal funding, if a citizenship question remains off, as the Supreme Court...

The Pentagon has a leadership vacuum at the top as tensions with Iran rise
June 21, 2019

The departure of acting Defense Department Secretary Patrick Shanahan raises questions about who is advising President Donald Trump, who pulled back a planned military strike on Iran this week, says CQ defense reporter Andrew Clevenger. And Chris Lu,...

Abortion threatens congressional impasse on funding
June 14, 2019

House Democrats' effort to rescind Trump administration anti-abortion policies threatens to hold up government spending bills. CQ Roll Call reporter Sandhya Raman details the debate and surveys how lawmakers are using abortion politics, both in...

Trump denies climate change as his Pentagon prepares for it
June 07, 2019

Former Navy Secretary Ray Mabus says President Trump's climate change denial risks an apocalyptic future that will stress the U.S. military. Ben Hulac, author of a forthcoming CQ magazine cover story on how climate change is affecting the...

Lawmakers on impeachment and F35s to Turkey
May 31, 2019

In his first public statement after his two-year probe, Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel who resigned this week, said that he had never considered charging President Donald Trump with a crime as he investigated Russian interference in the...