CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

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Political Theater's The Transition: Will White House officials and Congress be among the first to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
December 14, 2020

We're delving into why White House officials and members of Congress may be at the head of the line to get a COVID-19 vaccine. CQ Roll Call's Niels Lesniewski has more. We'll also explore what Biden's Cabinet nominees may face if the Senate doesn't flip t

Budget: Congress is close to a $1.4 trillion government funding package
December 14, 2020

Both the House and Senate are close to an agreement on an omnibus package to fund the government for the remaining fiscal year and could file text as soon as tomorrow. CQ Roll Call's Jennifer Shutt reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphon

CQ Future: Free speech
December 11, 2020

The pandemic and political divisions have revealed the cracks in this country and those who are falling through them. Along the fault lines of American society are truth and free speech. These two bedrocks of the nation’s civil discourse have been challen

Political Theater's The Transition: The bureaucrats are back
December 10, 2020

President Donald Trump loved to hate the swamp, or official Washington. President-elect Joe Biden is bringing a different approach by bringing on a group of no-drama experienced government hands to run the executive branch. Niels Lesniewski discusses. And

Transportation: How the COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed
December 10, 2020

UPS and Federal Express have been tapped to handle the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine calling into question whether passenger airlines -- that have received government funds and have been preparing for months -- will be needed. CQ Roll Call's Jessic

Political Theater's The Transition: Ag, HUD at forefront of equality debates
December 09, 2020

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Health: Biden's stance on abortion and LGBTQ rights
December 09, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden will have very different health policies than his predecssor especially when it comes to abortion and LGBTQ. CQ Roll Call's Sandhya Raman reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Political Theater's The Transition: Biden finds you can't please all the people all the time
December 08, 2020

The incoming Biden administration continues to come into focus. The president-elect's nomination of retired Gen. Lloyd Austin to be Defense secretary, who would be the first Black man to head the Pentagon, also means Biden passed over a woman long conside

Immigration: Taxpayer dollars wasted
December 08, 2020

The Department of Health and Human Services gave more than $32 million to private companies to open shelters for unaccompanied immigrant children - that never got built, according to a new report by a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs pane

Budget deep dive: Bumps in the road for $908 billion bipartisan COVID-19 aid deal
December 08, 2020

The $908 billion bipartisan plan for COVID-19 aid, which left many optimistic of a deal last week, is now being held up again over the fine print. Among the chief concerns for both parties are liability protections for businesses and state and local aid.