CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

Latest Episodes

Health and Human Services: Top issues in the spending bill
December 22, 2020

Congress has passed the fiscal year 2021 spending bill to fund the federal government through September next year. CQ Roll Call’s Mary Ellen McIntire breaks down what you need to know about HHS. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoic

Fintech Beat: Fintech’s futures past
December 22, 2020

Fintech Beat sits down with Matt Harris, partner at Bain Capital Venture, to discuss how the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated trends of automation and fintech adoption, and what it means for the future of fintech. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit me

Budget: What's in the deal?
December 21, 2020

It has been months in the making but Congress finally compromised and agreed to a COVID-aid package. CQ Roll Call's budget tracker David Lehrman breaks it down. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Political Theater's The Transition: A showdown over Federal Reserve powers stalls COVID aid deal
December 18, 2020

We're looking at a dispute that is threatening the delicate coronavirus relief bill negotiations that are also tied to a Friday at midnight government funding deadline. The GOP wants to limit Federal Reserve lending programs that would tie the hands of a

CQ Future: Working mothers
December 18, 2020

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's former policy planning director Anne-Marie Slaughter shocked the world when she quit her high-powered job and wrote an article for The Atlantic, "Why Women Still Can't Have it All." Fast forward eight years. One book l

Political Theater's The Transition: Trump's norm-busting. Let us count the ways
December 16, 2020

Among the accomplishments of President Donald Trump is a crash-course in civics that showed the public that a lot of government business and transparency happens because of good will and cooperation, not statute. In the wake of Trump's busting so many nor

Political Theater's The Transition: Sorry, but 2020's political drama will be leaking into 2021
December 15, 2020

With the Electoral College certifying Joe Biden’s victory, and Senate Republicans acknowledging that fact, is the presidential race finally over? Not a chance! Katherine Tully-McManus discusses possible challenges to the congressional counting of electora

Health: Another COVID-19 vaccine looks like it's on the way
December 15, 2020

Public documents released Tuesday show the efficacy of a vaccine produced by Moderna. If approved this week by the FDA another wave of COVID-19 vaccines will be made available to the public. CQ Roll Call's Emily Kopp reports. Learn more about your ad choi

Budget deep dive: Will COVID-19 aid be contained in the government spending package?
December 15, 2020

Lawmakers are close to releasing text on a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending package which keep the government funded for the next year. But despite hope that COVID-19 relief might be a part of the spending package, key stumbling blocks still remain. CQ Roll

Fintech Beat: All you need to know about Ant Group (and its cancelled IPO)
December 15, 2020

Hong Kong University professor Douglas Arner joins the Fintech Beat podcast to talk about the origins of Ant Group, its regulatory shortcomings in the Chinese financial system, and when he expects to see an IPO. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit meg