Conversations for Yoga Teachers

Conversations for Yoga Teachers

Latest Episodes

The Five Pillars of Powerful Teaching (EP.57)
February 04, 2020

Did you ever take a class with a yoga teacher and just feel like the class really landed for you; meaning it really made an impact? You might have thought about it after class or just felt really good in your body. Well, that teacher was teaching from on.

The BLUEPRINT to anatomy based cues (EP.56)
January 30, 2020

Well, we have reached the end of this quick series and I hope you’ve listened to E 53, 54 and 55 before listening to this one! That’s the only way this all will make sense! Now, in this last episode, because I didn’t want to leave you hanging, I make you.

The impact of NOT knowing anatomy (EP.55)
January 29, 2020

So, here we are, at the third in my FOUR episode series all about anatomical based cues and more importantly how knowing these can transform your teaching. If you’re made it this far, I know you’re interested but what if you’re stuck and feeling unwillin.

Five anatomy based cues and the WHY behind them (EP.54)
January 28, 2020

Here’s the second episode in my series of FOUR (E 53, 54, 55 and 56) that ALL go together, laying out for you background on why CUES, specifically ANATOMY based cues are so powerful to use and why learning the WHY behind the cue can transform your teachi.

What’s the ONE thing teachers come to me to learn? (EP.53)
January 27, 2020

If you’re a yoga teacher, what’s the ONE BIG THING you want to learn more about? Well, listen to this podcast episode, the first in a series of 4, and I’ll share what I’ve learned by talking to dozens of teachers over the years!Remember, this is one of F.

Coach yourself to a more powerful mindset (EP.52)
January 15, 2020

Looking for a fun and interesting personal development exercise? Grab a journal and a cup of tea and get ready to do a deep dive on yourself! This can be a powerful first step in bringing to the surface the self limiting beliefs and stories that are hold.

Building your integrity as a teacher (EP.51)
January 01, 2020

What does having integrity as a teacher mean? Showing up to your class on time? Being dependable? Well, yes those things are true but it’s so much more. And why does it matter? Listen to my latest episode for this special theme. In this episode I refer t.

Making 2020 your BEST year ever! (EP.50)
December 19, 2019

Listen to this episode as close to the start of 2020 as possible (if you can) to get the most out of it. Here, we’ll go over a process to review your 2019 and how to set meaningful goals for next year! In this episode, I refer to my holiday special on th.

Tips for New Teachers (EP.49)
December 03, 2019

Are you a new yoga teacher? So, maybe you’ve been teaching less than 3 years? This episode is for you! Here I go into a lot of tips you can use to help you decrease the stress around teaching, have a plan of action and free up a whole bunch of energy so .

Tips for Teaching Beginners (EP.48)
November 18, 2019

Hello, and WELCOME to Conversations for Yoga Teachers! I’m your host, Karen Fabian and this is EPISODE 48!   Today, I’m sharing LOTS of tips for working with beginners! Teaching beginners is tons of fun and they are always so eager to learn. It requires .